Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
Fig 4. CBB results with proposed method. The left and right 
sides represent images after the stages of SL-1 and SL-2. 
Table 4. Summary of image browsing. 
Test No. of % of Perfor 
obj. Patches after Object detection | mance 
SL-1 | SL-2 | Correc | False (a-f)/a 
stage | stage ta f (in %) 
AC-1 23 4 100 13.04 | 86.96 
Stadm 11 1 100 0 100 
AC-2 20 2 89 11 87.64 
The histogram based search scheme followed by evaluation of 
the Gabor feature vectors is proposed for browsing the high- 
spatial resolution imagery. The suggested combined algorithm 
is quite fast and tested for its tolerance against rotation, noise, 
location and scale variations. It is found that the tolerance is 
rather limited for the scale difference between the query and 
test objects. The proposed algorithm was also applied to the 
high resolution satellite imagery for typical objects and found 
to yield quite satisfactory results. The application of this 
method will be extended to multi-spectral high resolution 
imagery and reported elsewhere. 
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