Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
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a) South 24 Paragana district (2001) b) South 24 Paragana district(2000) c) Baleswar and Bhadrak districts (1999) 
Figure 3. Depiction of transplantation pattern of South 24 Paragana district of West Bengal and Baleswar and Bhadrak districts of 
Orissa. Different colour codes depicting the transplantation pattern are, Blue = I" June to 15 ' June; Greenz16" to 30 ^ 
June: Yellow=1* to 8% July; Orange-9" to 16 ^ July; Redz17" to 23" July; Magenta=24 tto 31* July; Black=1" 10.31" 
100 4 = 
= 80 4 
S S0 | — wB2001 
B 40 + | —— WB2000 
= —— ORI1999 
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Transplantation date (days since 1st J une, June 1=1) fü 
Figure 4. Cumulative rice area (76) with respect to transplantation date (days since Ist June, June 1-1) 
Segment number Model computed Observation date Plant height as on Transplanation 
transplantation date | (Ground truth) observe date from GT date from GT 
1 2nd July 9th August'99 30.0 10th July 
2 24thJune 11th August'99 46.0 26 th June 
3 18th July 9th August'99 30.0 10th July 
4 12 th July 8th August'99 25.0 14th July 
5 7th July 9th August'99 30.0 10th July 
6 18th July 9th August'99 25.0 15th July 
Table 3. Validation of the transplantation date (model prediction) using ground data of Orissa of the year 1999.

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