Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
C. Patnaik', M. Chakraborty and S. Maity 
Agricultural Resources Group 
Space Applications Centre (ISRO) 
Ahmedabad 380 015 
KEYWORDS: Radar, texture, Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), crop discrimination, spectral distance, window size. 
Synthetic Aperture Radar images have a high texture and texture is one of the important characteristics used to identify objects or 
regions of interest in an image. One of the methods of measuring texture mathematically is based on grey level co-occurrence matrix 
(GLCM). An attempt was made to discriminate major crops in Surendranagar district of Gujarat, India, using texture measures. 
Multi-temporal Radarsat Standard Beam 5 was taken for the study. Plant parameters and soil parameters were collected during 
ground truth synchronous with the satellite pass. 
Four texture measures, which were studied, are: Contrast, Entropy, Angular Second Moment (ASM) and Correlation. The window 
sizes chosen were 3 x 3; 7 x 7; 15 x 15; 25 x 25 and 31. x 31. The multi-temporal data was calibrated and georeferenced, but not 
filtered. Texture measures were used on all three-date data separately and the output images generated. The statistics obtained from 
output image were used for computing the spectral distances using Bhattacharya distance. In this study it was found that Entropy 
and ASM resulted in the maximum number of distinct class pairs for all the window sizes. However, ASM in all the three dates and 
all the window sizes resulted in better feature discrimination than Entropy. The window size of 25x25 was found to be optimal for 
the current study. 
In India, the kharif (monsoon) season accounts for most of the 
agricultural activity of the year and getting optical remote 
sensing data for crop inventory is an uncertainty. Microwave 
remote sensing helps here but vegetation discrimination in SAR 
under Indian agricultural conditions is comparatively difficult 
as compared to optical data. This is due to the fact that 
microwave data is sensitive to crop moisture, geometry, 
roughness and other soil parameters. However, with multi- 
temporal, multi-incident, multi-frequency or multi-polarised 
data, vegetation discrimination is possible. 
SAR images have a high texture and texture is one of the 
important characteristics used to identify objects or regions of 
interest in an image. Unlike spectral features, which describe 
the average tonal variation in the various bands of an image, 
textural features contain information about the spatial 
distribution of tonal variations within a band. These textural 
measures are derived from a grey level co-occurrence matrix or 
difference vector computed for each rectangular window of 
user specified dimensions and spatial reldtionships of the input 
image. Based on the textural information contained in radar 
images, a study was carried out to find out the feasibility of 
using texture as a crop discriminator when large area crop 
inventory has to be done. 
The objectives of the current study were 
Identify the appropriate texture measure 
Decide the optimum Window size 
to use texture as a crop discriminator. 
In the understanding of images, pixel colour and brightness are 
“ E-mail : cpatnaik@rediffmail.com 079-6774003 
commonly used parameters. À less often used parameter is the 
texture (graininess). As opposed to colour and brightness 
(which are associated with | pixel) texture is computed from a 
set of connected pixels. Texture information in an image is 
contained in the local spatial relationship that the intensity 
values have to one another. 
There are several paradigms for measuring texture 
mathematically. A commonly used one is based on the grey 
level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). A GLCM is a matrix of 
relative frequencies, P(ij), with which two neighbouring 
pixels, separated by a distance d and angle 6, occur on an 
image, one with grey level i, the other with grey level j. Here, P 
is the normalised symmetric GLCM of dimension N x N where 
N is the number of grey levels. A grey level can represent the 
intensity at each pixel of the textured image for analysis. The 
texture of an image is related to the grey level joint probability 
distribution, which is approximated by the co-occurrence 
matrix. Particularly, the amount of dispersion that the GLCM 
elements have about the diagonal characterises the texture of 
the local region. The texture measure is put at the centre of the 
window at the appropriate position in the output image. 
Feature extraction of a textured region can be based on a 
statistical approach, which has three categories: a) the use of 
power spectrum and autocorrelation function; b) the use of 
grey-level statistics, e.g. histograms and co-occurrence 
matrices; c) the use of local feature statistics, e.g. the statistical 
distribution of corners. (Fletcher, 2002). 
For a local window size X by Y and spatial vector = (dX, dV). 
the total number of pixel pairs used to build the GLCM is: 

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