Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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On the whole, in this study it was found that Entropy and ASM 
resulted in the maximum number of distinct class pairs for all 
the window sizes. However, ASM in all the three dates and all 
the window sizes resulted in better feature discrimination than 
Entropy. The window size of 25x25 was found to be optimal 
for the current study. Cotton, Pearl millet, rice and scrub could 
be separable in the first two dates. By the third date due to the 
similar stages of rice, cotton and pearl millet, the backscatter 
did not significantly contribute to the textural information. 
Even where the number of distinct class pairs was similar 
between the different texture measures under given window 
sizes, it was found that ASM resulted in better crop 
discrimination in the first and second dates as compared to 
Entropy. The study would be repeated in a different area in 
order to convincingly use texture as a feature discriminator in 
SAR images. 
This study was possible under the SAR data utilisation 
program. For this we are grateful to Director, SAC for his 
approval. Our gratitude is also due to Shri J.S. Parihar, Group 
Director, Agricultural Resources Group, our mentor, for his 
unflinching guidance during the course of the study. We are 
also thankful to Shri K. K. Mohanty, for his suggestions and 
help during the period. 
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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
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