Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

e Maximum / Minimum Temperature of selected junction as 
Multi frequency feed, Sky Horn, Reference Load and other 
e The scan rate and Mean value of scan rate is computed for 
verifying time difference of successive scan. 
e The variation of mean Scan rate signifies time/scan, speed 
variation of successive scan, which effect the geometric 
accuracy of the product. 
3.2.2 Antenna Temperature Data (ATD) quantifies the 
radiometric aspect of data product. 
e The Percentage of flagged data quantifies the quality of 
total data corrected for each sample scan of Antenna 
temperature data. ‘ 
e The Center sample is unaffected by any component of 
dual polarization (H & V). Global Dynamic range of 
center sample signifies calibrated Antenna Temperature 
range for each frequency. This parameter quantifies 
system performance without antenna pattern correction. 
e Mean and Standard deviation of Center sample for 
Selected uniform targets quantifies Temperature 
Sensitivity (homogeneity) for each frequency. This 
parameter is monitored for quantifying relative 
frequency behavior of local targets as and when 
3.2.3 Brightness Temperature Data (BTD) is final Sensor 
Corrected and grided standard user product on which 
radiometric & geometric accuracy of product is evaluated. 
e The Percentage of flagged data quantifies quality of 
radiometric corrected data after applying interim antenna 
pattern correction. 
e This Brightness Temperature range (based on the 0.1 % 
rejection of lower & higher population of each frequency 
distribution for corresponding Grid) signifies global 
temperature variation with time. 
e Target Temperature Homogeneity is measured by 
estimating standard deviation of selected area. The 
comparison is being attempted on sample basis over 
Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Libyan and 
Sahara Desert. 
The following comparison has been carried out for 
Quantifying Radiometric performance over smaller area 
with time. 
1. Mean and standard deviation of same target for three- 
grid resolution for given channel. 
2. Relative channel behavior of different target for a 
given date and Grid-1 resolution. 
3. Relative channel behavior of same target for two 
« MSMR geo location of BTD is defined as comparison of 
assigned latitude /longitude of each sample from grided 
data product with World Map Geo Location or with 
system corrected reference Data Product value. 
3.2.4 Geo Physical Parameter Data (For Each Grid) is 
retrieved parameter after removing atmospheric effect and 
relating respective channel data with Geophysical Parameters. 
e The Percentage of flagged data quantifies the quality of 
GPD over Sea region. 
° Geo Physical Parameter Range: This signifies global 
variation of Geo Physical parameters like Sea Surface 
Temperature, Sea Surface Wind Speed, Cloud Liquid 
Water and Water Vapor. 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
e Mean and Standard deviation of selected Uniform area 
quantifies the stability of Geo Physical Parameter for 
corresponding area of Grid. 
4.1 Sensor Performance: 
4.1.1 Data Reception Quality: The engineering performance 
of MSMR Payload at Subsystem level is comparable with 
reference data and stable with respect to sensor specifications. 
The trend of the sync loss and calibration data statistics 
indicates consistent behavior since launch. The statistics of bad 
sync & cal scan behavior of some days is shown in 2 oca 
column of Table 6. 
The trend of variation of standard deviation of scan rate has 
varied from 7 to 30 counts as shown in 5" column of Table 6. 
Date Of Bad Bad Mean Scan BTD 
Pass Sync Cal Scan Rate flagged 
Scan | Scans Rate Std data 
Dev % 
10-07-99 27 15 5375.95 7.68 
22-04-00 | 31 6 5375.92 10.0 0.098 
01-08-00 29 8 5375.97 22.40 0.069 
30-09-00 28 4 5375.94 | 28.71 0.069 
01-10-00 29 6 5375.90 28.15 0.025 
16-01-01 32 4 $375.07. 1:22,85 0.068 
MEAN 29.3 | 7.166 | 5375.94 | 19.96 0.0658 
STDEV 1.86 | 4.119 | 0.02786 | 9.032 | 0.02610 
MAX 32 15 1:5375.97.1.:28.71 0.098 
MIN 27 4 5375.9 7.68 0.025 
Table 6 MSMR Sensor Data Quality 
(MSMR Sensor Data Performance from SDF) 
4.1.2 ADTMS Data 
There are 51 junction Temperature data available along with 
SDF, which is being monitored. The routine reports are 
generated for important junction temperature like Multi 
frequency Feed, Sky Horn, Hot/Cold Junction and Reference 
Load Junction. Initially Reference load variation was seen from 
17 to 28 deg Centigrade & respective Sky Horn temperature 
was seen from 12 to 23 deg Cent. Now this range of 
temperature variation has been controlled for reference load 
from 17 to 23 deg Centigrade (Ref: fig: 7a & 7b). The impact of 
temperature variation is being observed on calibration data. 
Operating temperature range is decreasing and coming close to 
20° deg C with +/- 3 °C variation. 
(a) 10 Deg Variation (b) 5 Deg Variation 
en ALD TR ND TS r 
= » t d d 
M ^ d 
aff M or 
eo» n9 9 Hu 
e — 9» ^ e^o H'» 3 
= es 
"t WT a WE a- VV um wm 
wn am - 4 x xe EMO Kw wa Santo 
10 Deg Variation 5 Deg Variation 
x-axis: Scan number y-axis: Temperature 
Fig 7 ADTMS Temperature Range 
eus: 8 85.15 8:8 8 3

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