Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
orm area 4.1.3 Calibration Data shown in Table 10 for Sea region. Sample Histogram 
neter for l. Maximum-Minimum Count Difference of Cold Cal comparison for GPD Parameter is shown in given fig 11(a-d). 
data is varying linearly with ADTMS temperature 
variation. G| Sea Surface | SeaSurfa | Water LiquidWater (Kg/ 
2. On an average Hot Calibration count difference of 15 R| Temperatur | ceWind Vapor Mtr?) 
indicates stability of Reference Load. Fle Speed (gm/ 
3. On an average 10 deg K Temperature variation of D| (Deg K) (Mtr/ cm?) Min/Max 
Reference load gives maximum/minimum count Min/Max Sec) 
difference as 80 to 90 for all channels (6.6 GHz V & Min/Max | Min/Max 
formance H, 10.65 GHz V& H, 18 GHz H, 21GHz V & H) 1| 273/304 1.3/29.9 | 0.1/8.58 | 0/2.0/1.99 
ble with except 18 GHz V. The maximum/ minimum count 2 0/29.9 0.1/9.0 0/2.0 
fications. difference is being observed as 235 for 18 GHz V, 3 0.1/8.92 
statistics which signifies sensitive behavior of this channel as Table 10 Sample GPD Dynamic Range 
cs of bad indicated in ground calibration. 
pa 34 (a) Sea Surface Temperature (b) Wind Speed 
4.2 Radiometric Performance mp e 
rate has j "i n Ye 
able 6. 4.2.1 BTD Global Dynamic Range: The Scan mode ATD a - J \ 
Center sample data is being monitored for correct application j = = | \ 
BTD of calibration look up table. The grided BTD Product is = m T 
flagged monitored for Global Dynamic Range variation over land & sea s j 
data region. Brightness Temperature Data From 22" April 2000 dro > : 
% onward is being analyzed for following parameters EE RY re ETT 
za €ÓÓ— : © Water Vapor (d) Liquid Water Content 
0.098 a) Histogram based Dynamic range ee i eae 
0.060. | b) Temperature value at maximum Population 
‘0.069 | C) Mean Temperature value 
"0025. | d) Standard deviation 
0.068 : ; a. : 
"0.0658 | The Global Dynamic Range for Horizontal Polarization varies 
0.02610 | from 70 deg K to 299 deg K & Vertical Polarization varies 
0.098 | from 140 deg K to 305 deg K. This range variation signifies 60 t 
—0.025 | % coverage of available system dynamic range. Typical values Res” fe wea o RTE Sat —— 
: & trend is given in Table 8 & Fig 9a, 9b. x-axis :Physical Entity y-axis :Population 
7) Fig 11 GPD Histogram for Grid 1 
Gr 6.6 10.6 18.0 21.0 4.2.3 Homogeneity of Selected Target for BTD: The relative | 
idiV H V H V H V H channel behavior of Brightness Temperature Mean & Standard | 
ong with Max/min | max/min max/min max/min deviation for all selected target is varying linearly in increasing 
ports‘ are 1 -| 28 | 266/ | 292/ | 279/| 292/ | 276/ | 298/ | 204/ order for each polarization. The homogeneity for ocean target 
ce Multi , 7 1 79 152 | 85 165 | 97 173 | 112 for lower frequency channel is more as compared to higher 
Reference | 2 14 294/ | 279/ | 292/ | 276/ | 298/ | 294/ frequency channel, which shows higher channels are more 
seen from 2 151 | 85 164 | 97 172 ] 11^ sensitive for variation. On sample basis Ocean and Desert Sand 
nperature 3 293/ | 278/ | 298/ | 294/ brightness temperature counts are compared for 6.6GHz V & 
range of 164 | 97 171 112 21.0GHz V, (Ref: Table-12a), where higher channel shows 
"nce load Table 8 Sample BTD Dynamic Range significantly one order higher standard deviation. Comparison 
impact of of target mean for three Grided data shows same values with 
ion data. marginal increase in standard deviation for higher resolution 
g close to data (Ref: Table-12b). Radiometric performance of MSMR 
sensor is as expected and comparable for it’s relative channel 
behavior, dynamic range and temperature sensitivity. 
(a) Vertical Channel (b) Horizontal Channel 
dE - i es iE s Eus AREA 6.6V 6.6V 21.0V 21.0V 
= = | TE 19-03-00 | 30-01-01 | 19-03-00 | 30-01-01 
| € | 7 Mean 
A i4 M |" | Arabian Sea | 158.46 159.11 212.3 221.37 
i + Indian 159.14 | 15867 | 2298 232.17 
| of | i > | : Ocean 
"dH ee ll "oam Pacific 158.37 157.8 22748 | 227.14 
= s : DTE Ed uu Ju i 5 Ocean 
X-axis: Brightness Temperature y-axis :Population Libyan 270.88 270.4 280.55 280.83 
Fig 9 BTD Histogram Desert 
Sahara 269.9 274.37 283.85 289.74 
4.2.2 GPD Global Dynamic Range: The Global Dynamic Desert 
Range of GPD data is being monitored for Sea surface Standard Deviation 
temperature, Wind speed, Water vapor, Cloud liquid Water as Arabian Sea | 1.32 | 0.69 | 12.16 | 6.90 

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