Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

Indian 1.20 0.79 6.45 4.23 
Pacific 1.25 1.31 4.85 5.64 
Libyan 1.10 1.60 1.78 2.89 
Sahara 0.75 0.24 0.13 0.39 
Table- 12 a Comparison of 10*10Deg window in Grid-1 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
m = tu À Ea m ff; ah a Iu ll a d 
150km 75Km 50Km 
Arabian Sea 221.17 221.20 221.33 
Indian Ocean 232.17 232.24 | 232.38 s d : P 
Pacifis Ocean 22714 228.39 22831 Fig: 13 Brightness Temperature Values Covered in 4*4 deg 
Window For Greenland Tip 
Libyan Desert 280.83 280.96 280.90 
Sahara Desert 289.74 290.26 290.38 
Standard Deviation DATE PTD DIFF BTD DIFF Shift 
Arabian Sea 6.90 7.15 915 Bey wn Night wa 
Indian Ocean 4.23 4.55 4.59 (me Ime 
Pacific Ocean 5.64 5.71 5.68 CHE su iode 5 Sass 9 
Libyan Desert 2,89 3.10 3:06 15-10-99 | 192.1 | 7.53 | 195.12 | -232 Y 
Sahara Desert 0.39 0.55 0.75 8-04-00 | 189.0 | 4.43 200.73 -17.62 
Table- 12 b Sample Mean and Standard Deviation 02-08-00 | 188.5 | 3.87 207.74 -10.6 
comparison Of Grided Data for 21.0V 17-10-00 | 193.0 | -3.37 198.39 17.1 
30-07- 198.9 0 184.36 0 
4.3 Geolocation Of Grided BTD Product 00 (REF) 
The relative geo location procedure is being adopted as an 16-10-99 | 210.7 11.7 237.21 52.8 Y 
operational procedure at NRSA for monitoring Geolocation of 09-04-00 | 186.3 | -12.6 205.18 20.8 
product. The global geo location is being monitored by 01-08- 194.8 | -4.14 | 230.47 46.1 Y 
selecting Tips from Greenland, Australia, India & Africa. 00 
Typical Tip of Greenland is as shown in Fig 13. The Geo 16-10-00 | 159.9 | -10.8 | Flagged | Flagged 
Location of these four TIPS are monitored for day and night Data Data 
data from MSMR global coverage of 48 hours. The statistics of Stddev 12.89 17.86 
temperature variation for selected Tips are as follows: Mean 189.7 207.4 
= Standard deviation in temperature is less than 40 Deg K. 8 
= The minimum temperature corresponds to sea region, and Table-14 Greenland Tip 
mean temperature corresponds to transition coastal area. 
= The presence of maximum temperature greater than 210 AREA Diff Diff 
Deg K indicates shift in Geo Location. G2:G1 G3-G2 
Although no shift is seen with reference data of Grid-1, but LAT | LONG LAT | LONG 
within other two grided data the observations are, (Ref Table DAY TIME 
15a, 15 b). de'T Greenland | 0.60 -0.53 -0.6 | 048 
o Either latitude/longitude shift is seen more "Australia 2.85 0.75 733 -1.84 
handbag, South Africa | -.09 ey 10 | 40 
o on temperature difference of 40 Deg NIGHT TIME 
ewm. Greenland  [ .11 -.69 A1 Te 
Australia .61 .28 -.81 85 
South Africa | .05 2.20 1.37 | 11 
India 0.47 1.77 0.54 | -0.25 
Table-15 a Lat/Long comparison of Grided Data 
D1 Diff 2 Diff 3 
(G2-G1) (G3-G2) 
Greenland | 168. 15 183.77 -0.51 183.26 
Australia 24 204.29 -4.29 200 

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