Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
the results using the model to simulate fractional soil moisture 
for soil layer 1 and fractional crop canopy moisture. 
o o 
to o > 
o > o 
Simulated fractional soil moisture 
0.25 + 
0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 
Measured fractional soil moisture 
Figure 4. Measured fractional soil moisture versus simulated 
fractional soil moisture for soil layer 1 (0-10 cm depth). The 
1:1 line is also shown. 
Simulated fractional canopy moisture 
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 
Measured fractional canopy moisture 
Figure 5. Plot of measured crop canopy moisture versus 
simulated crop canopy moisture. The 1:1 line is also shown. 
3.3 Irrigation 
The CHIPS model provides satisfactory results for the test 
fields examined. It can be used to assess the moisture status of a 
field by using SAR data as an input. Where farmers are using 
water legally for irrigation then the SAR data can be used to 
confirm this. Where farmers are using water illegally then the 
SAR data can be used to identify those fields that have 
unexpectedly high crop and soil moisture levels, and this can be 
followed by further action. In this way SAR data can be used in 
the CHIPS model to combat fraud. 
In addition, the CHIPS model can also be used for scheduling 
irrigation and therefore making better use of existing water. 
The data noted above were also examined for their use in 
irrigation scheduling and it was found that the most effective 
irrigation water application during the 1999 simulation period 
would use 25 mm of water when a soil moisture deficit of 30 
mm is reached. This would have required less water application 
than was actually applied in the field and so would have 
achieved water savings (Graham and Harris 2002). 
Can radar data provide a reliable method to detect agricultural 
fraud? Certainly radar data can be provided regularly from a 
variety of sources. This paper has shown that for field 
identification radar data can produce useful results and when 
used in the CHIPS model the data can be used to give good 
estimates of crop and soil moisture status. 
The emphasis of this paper has been on fraud detection because 
of the need to use land and water resources effectively, which 
in turn means monitoring the uses that are legal and those that 
are not legal. Radar data can also be used in a more pro-active 
way to improve efficiencies by: 
1. measuring crop areas planted to particular crops, so 
allowing advice on what new crops to plant, and 
2. providing advice on the actual water needs of crops 
so that irrigation water can be scheduled more 
Both in a fraud detection sense and in a pro-active sense, radar 
data can be useful to sustainable agriculture by providing data 
and related methods to assist better uses of land and water 
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Graham A J and R Harris 2002 Scheduling irrigations by 
merging water-use and radar backscatter models, Irrigation 
Science, in press. 
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of the potato crop, PhD thesis, University of London. 
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Area estimation of the British potato crop using Earth 
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Agriculture 2000, Remote Sensing Society, Nottingham. 
We acknowledge the support, comments, advice and assistance 
provided by the University of London Intercollegiate Research 
Services, the British National Space Centre, the UK 
Environment Agency, Logica UK Ltd, the UK Environment 
Agency and Richard Turner Associates.

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