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IAPRS & SIS. Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad. India,2002 
increase the agricultural productivity in these 
regions. GIS has been found to be useful for 
carrying out land suitability analysis for 
agriculture. i 
The GIS based modelling for land suitability 
analysis is a useful tool for planners to help 
them in making judicious land developmental 
decisions. It will be a better practice if major 
urban expansion projects are formulated on less 
productive agricultural land and the information 
about the same may be derived by spatial 
analysis under GIS environment. GIS based 
approach developed in the present work is 
expected to be useful for planners and decision 
makers to achieve a well defined development 
of the region. 
Burrough, > :P.A,—> 19886. Principles of 
Geographical Information Systems for Land 
Resources | Assessment. Oxford University 
ESRI, 1997. Understanding GIS: the 
ARC/INFO Method. John Wiley and Sons, New 
McRae, S.G. and Burnham, C.P., 1981. Land 
Evaluation. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 
Nema, R.K., Rathore, D.S. and Jain, S.K., 1999. 
GIS Based Integrated Approach for Land 
Capability Classification in Bargi Command 
Area. GIS India, 9(3), pp. 9-12. 
Saaty, T. L., 1980. The Analytic Hierarchy 
Process. McGraw Hill, New York. 
Tiwari, R.S. and Garg, P.K., 1997. GIS - Based 
Land Suitability Classification for Sustainable 
Development, International Conference on 
Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development. 
University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India. 
(Bahadurpur and Phulpur Blocks) 
[ — Highly Suitable 
3 Suitahle 
Moderately Suitable 
Suitable with Restrctiouns 
3 Not Suitable 
Figure 5. Land Suitability Map 

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