Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
Table 2. Sediment yield index (SYI) and priority category of 
Figure 3. Priority classes of sub - watershed based on SYI 
Treatment — oriented land capability analysis reveals that 27.10 
and 27.50 percent land falls under capability class C1 and C2 
suitable for cultivation with suitable conservation measures 
(Table 3) . Strip cropping, bench terrace, broad base terrace, 
vegetative barriers and mulching are suggested to adopt as 
conservation measures in crop land. 
Sub-watershed | SYI Priority Priority Land Area Conservation measures 
category class capability in 
UAI 1189 High II class percent 
UA2 1149 Medium III Ci 27.10 Contour cultivation, strip 
UA3 1194 High II cropping with legumes, 
UBI 1072 Low IV mulching, field bun management 
UB2 1079 Low IV vegetative barriers, broad-base 
UB3 1161 High II terraces 
UB4 1054 Low IV C2 27.50 Bench terracing, cultivation 
UB5 1138 Medium Il across the slope especially in 
UCI 1162 High IV bun cultivation, gully plugging, 
UC2 1173 High III green-manuring with legumes, 
UDI 1174 High Il loose boulder structures. 
UD2 1155 High Il F 10.67 Forest plantation, agro-forestry , 
UD3 1105 Medium Ill porticu Crops, forest gap 
UEI 1112 Medium | II Jung, 
: FT/P 20.37 Forest plantation, adoption of 
SE US T = OE prisons land 
UFI 849 Verylow | V Sa 
UF2 1144 Medium In Table 3. Land capability class and suggested conservation 
UF3 1092 Low IV measures 
UG1 1110 Medium III 
UG2 1174 High I 
UG3 1119 Medium III 5. CONCLUSION 
UG4 1188 High Il 
UG5 1034 Low IV The study demonstrate that USLE and SYI model can be 
UHI 1217 Very high | I effectively employed in GIS environment to determine soil loss 
UH2 1165 High Il and sediment yield quantitatively and spatially, to predict 
UH3 1135 Medium III erosion hazard and prioritization of the watershed. PAN + 
UH4 1140 Medium III LISS-III merged data satellite image (Std. FCC) of larger scale 
UHS 1136 Medium III 1:25,000 was found very useful in preparing detail land use/ 
land cover and physiography map to derive input parameters of 
USLE and SYI model. Spatial analysis with GIS helped to 
identify the factors contributing soil loss that can be used as 
indicator while preparing conservation plan of the watershed. 
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