Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
S. Yedendra Babu * 
* Student, B.E. Geo Informatics ( Final Year ), Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy, Anna 
University, Chennai, India — yedendra@yahoo.co.in 
Commission VI, WG VII/2 
KEY WORDS: Agriculture, Analytical Hierarchy Process, GIS, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Virtual Community Farming, 
Remote Sensing, 5S, Kaizen 
The paper aims to discuss the possibilities to institutionalize agricultural activities so as to bring out Appropriate Farming in India. 
The institutionalization is needed to solve the problems of fragmented lands, mismanagement of water and human resources, 
unsustainable regional planning, lack of value addition and awareness to food processing techniques. These problems occur due to less 
interaction between the ordinary farming society and elite scientific community. This means the solutions to these problems should 
socialize the technology and increase the morale of the farming society. For this, a conceptual attempt has been made to establish 
Virtual Community Farming which imparts technological advancements to process and incite quality into people. The agricultural 
activity is split into three parts as: crop selection, crop management, yield maintenance and processing and are discussed. Finally, a 
thought of how the farmer society is to be approached is also discussed. 
Figure I: Present condition of Farming attitude 
Farming technology has risen to acme creating new variety of 
crops, vegetation monitoring and management using remote 
sensing and GIS technology, control of pests and weeds, etc.,. 
Today, India has achieved better place in the agricultural sector 
in the global scenario and has reached self-sufficiency in the food 
requirements. This has been possible due to the diligent work by 
Indian Farmers and Scientists. The situation seems to be poise 
when one is not considering the population growth. In 2020, the 
Indian population will be more than 130 crore and food grains 
import will be around 1.41 crore ton which is 0.69 crore ton 
today. Our march towards a developed nation by 2020 requires 
a growth rate of about 7% per annum and the food grain 
requirement at that time will be around 34 crore ton /TIFAC, 
Food and Agriculture: Vision 2020]. In this event, we find many 
pitfalls in our agriculture sector such as fragmented lands; 
mismanagement of water resources and human resource, 
unsustainable regional planning, lack of value addition and 
awareness to food processing. Figure 1 depicts present condition 
of farming attitude due to these problems. About 7096 
agricultural land relies only on rainwater for crop production and 
crop selection for such lands, irrigation system practice are not 
well planned. 4096 of these potential zones produce only single 
crop per year due to poor irrigation system. Hence agriculture 
sector has to be invigorated to achieve the above target. 
Though we have many pitfalls in our agriculture sector, it 
provides ample opportunities to improve upon. One of the best 
solutions is to establish better link between the process and the 
people to get sustained productivity with optimum value 
addition. The development of the concept of Virtual 
Community farming can be achieved by integrating remote 
sensing, GIS for improving the Process and Combining 5S and 
Kaizen with NLP for inciting quality into the people and 
providing link between the process and people. This concept 
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