Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India,2002 
not only increases the productivity but also the thinking skills 
of farmers are improved which can abolish the problem of 
mismanagement of resources, low value addition, etc. 
Sustamed Agricultural m 
3 ; 7 : People 
-/ Process 3 
3 À GIS : 5S, Kaizen, NLP 
Figure 2: Farming Attitude for Sustained Productivity - the 
vision of farming attitude after institutionalization. 
Virtual Community Farming is a concept which plugs Electronic 
Governance into Community Farming thereby institutionalizing 
the agriculture sector with transparent management and 
attempts to improve the quality of the farmer community. The 
concept is based on “Improve the productivity of the people to 
improve the productivity of the process”. The crop pattern for 
a region is acquired by the process of crop selection. Using the 
crop pattern we can estimate the crop water requirement for 
each land parcel and accordingly design the Water distribution 
system for irrigation. The crop pattern forms as a database 
which has the details about the crops grown in the region. This 
helps the scientists to monitor the crop stress without the 
burden of crop identification. 
The Bt cotton crop failure in Khargone district of Madhya 
Pradesh which is endowed with fertile black soil was due to lack 
of information about the new technology to the farmers and the 
Bt cotton crop was more expensive than ordinary crop with 
pesticides which the farmers were not aware [“Bt cotton — bitter 
harvest” — editorial column, ‘The Hindu’ dated August 24, 
2002]. The dissemination of information regarding any warning 
against crop diseases, crop seed damage; and information about 
crop management and farming practices to the farmer 
community may be very precisely. 
Community farming has some flaws like powerful land owners 
cornering the resources leading to fragility of that concept. The 
Pani Panchayat of Aunli Orissa which a community organisation 
created with the aid of World Bank became privatised with the 
big land owners cornering the most vital resource — Water and 
crushing the small farmers [“Little Pani, Less Panchayat”, Issues 
e Information about crop 
diseases, new technology 
e Furnish details about the 
fertilizers, pesticides & 
insecticides to be used in 
the farm 
e Real time guidance from 
experts to individual 
farmers regarding Farming 
ST yet sve Resource Sharing 
4 and management 
à | 
GIS based Agriculture 
Information System 
Estimate crop water 
Sustained Agricultural 
Design Water Distribution if 
centralized irrigation system or 
Guide Individual Irrigation System 
Method of 
Irrigation practice 
Figure 3. Thematic Sketch of Virtual Community 
column, Magazine - Sunday edition, The Hindu dated 
September 15 & 22, 2002]. Hence a transparency is required in 
the community farming which could avoid such major flaws. 
Virtual Community farming provides the transparent sharing of 
local resources by scheduling the share based upon the crop 
requirement through crop patterning and avoiding human 
intrusion into the resource management system through E 
Governance. The Virtual community Farming has split the 

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