Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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Works / Not Application 
Figure 9. Kaizen Cycle of Personal Growth 
5S is a thinking system in which any individual is made to think 
in five different ways, about the workplace. The more different 
we look or observe any thing; we understand it, more clearly like 
higher the resolution of the imagery more the information 
content. Hence more effective decisions are possible; thereby 
resulting in the more productive work place. Kaizen introduces 
the element of creativity in the 5S thinking system. It keeps the 
spirit of the journey towards 5S, alive. It concentrates on new 
alternatives, over the existing methodology; to achieve the 
desired level of 5S. The understanding of presuppositions of 
NLP improves the efficiency of the individual to do more 
kaizen. NLP is used in the training with 5S and Kaizen as mind 
training tools for Individuals. 
The Virtual Community Farming concept is developed to 
achieve sustained development in Agriculture sector in India by 
establishing link between the ordinary farmer society and elite 
scientific community. It may be expected to achieve the 
following results. 
V Increase the production of value-added food products 
v' . Effective and optimal use of local resources 
Ÿ Institutionalization of agriculture sector through E- 
governance makes the management transparent and simple 
Y Effective regional planning can be made using the collected 
Y Improve the communication between the farmers and 
Y New technology can easily reach every farmer effectively 
Y Establishment of the system is affordable which involves 
installing good processing computer systems only and rest 
are concerned only with the public relations. 
Y Interests of the small farmers are taken care 
Y Improvement in the quality of people giving them self- 
confidence and better thinking skills 
Y Boost in Agriculture Marketing Sector equally attributing to 
the economic growth of the country same as industrial 
Y Important lead way to developed nation 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
Many more implications can be derived which is hidden in the 
concept through practical application of the concept. 
YThe Virtual Community Farming concept implementation 
needs the aid of NGOs, Self-Help Association, skilled geo- 
information experts and co-operation of central and state 
governments for establishing the system. 
Y The concept involves the tapping of potential of our 
talented farmers in a systematic way to achieve 
sustainability in Agriculture in our country. 
Y The concept is unique in the Agriculture Sector in India 
which tries to integrate the people and process together 
effectively using quality tools — NLP, 5S and Kaizen to 
achieve the goals. 
Y The problems of fragmented lands, mismanagement of water 
and human resources, unsustainable regional planning are 
attempt to solve effectively and the ordinary farmer society 
and elite scientific community are linked through Virtual 
Community Farming. 
References from Books: 
Abdul Kalam APJ, [2002], India 2020, Viking Books India Ltd., 
New Delhi, India 
Diana Beaver, [1999], NLP for Lazy Learners, Elements Books, 
Inc., Boston, USA. 
Harry Alder and Beryl Heather, [1999], NLP in 21 Days, Judy 
Piatkus (publishers) Ltd., London. 
Jacek Malczewski. [1999]. GIS and Multicriteria Decision 
Analysis, JohnWiley & Sons Inc. ,USA 
Miguel A Altieri, [1995], Agroecology — The Science of 
Sustainable Agriculture, Westview Press, Inc., USA. 
Stewart Fotheringham and Peter Rogerson. [1994]. Spatial 
Analysis and GIS, Burgess Science Press, Great Britain. 
Thomas L.Saaty. [[1980]. The Analytic Hierarchy Process. 
McGraw-Hill international book Co.,USA 
References from websites: 
Ashok.S. “NLP Analysis of 5S & Kaizen to Promote Human 
Performance Technology (HPT)”, U and Infinity, Chennai, 
India. http://www.uandinfinity.com/NLP-HPT.htm (accessed 
28 Sep. 2002) 

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