IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
Table 1. Summary of weed density data collected using the ground truth machine. The weed density is expressed as a ratio of the area
covered by weeds to the total ground area.
Weed density
Field Name Year Count
Mean Variance Minimum Maximum
a Plot 1998 3660 0.3193 0.0406 0.0 0.9928
REBEL Plot. 1998 2310 0.0289 0.0023 0.0 0.4373
RE-CEL 1998 2897 0.0326 0.0045 0.0 0.3384
RF-CW 1999 26521 0.3732 0.1301 0.0 1.0000
RF-DEI 1999 17760 0.2206 0.0878 0.0 1.0000
2.3 Experiments
The study was conducted in three soybean fields in the
Agricultural Engineering Research Farm at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The CIR images of the fields were
acquired on a monthly basis during the crop season. However,
since ground data was collected once during the cropping season,
the CIR image corresponding to that date was used in this study.
The crop was planted at a rate of 150,000 plants/acre, and at 75
cm row spacing in all fields. The fields in this study had several
weed types such as morning glory, cocklebur, velvet leaf, crab
grass, giant foxtail, etc. Initially the CIR images were rotated and
cropped if necessary and then geo-referenced using ground
control points (GCP) collected at the corners of the experiment
plots, and the boundary file for each field. The ground truth weed
map was overlaid with the classified image to visually compare
the variations in weed density with the spatial variations within
the image. For this study, five image indices derived from the
CIR image were selected based on the correlation. between
various image indices and weed density. The image indices
selected were NDVI, SRI, and the three raw image bands
normalized by the total intensity in the color-infrared region. The
NIR, R, and G bands after intensity normalization were referred
to as NNIR, NR, and NG respectively. These intensity-
normalized bands were able to eliminate the variability due to
different soil types as well as variable illumination in this
particular study.
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Figure 2. Spray and mapping system set up (top view).
For the chemical saving experiment, both ground truth about
weed infestation and remote sensing weed infestation area data
were collected at the same time the sprayer field experiment was
out. The amount of chemical consumption was recorded for both
conventional and precision chemical applications. The
conventional chemical comparison test was conducted with the
same sprayer. Since the smart sprayer only used a portion of the
boom on one side of the sprayer, the remaining part of the spray
boom was set up to simulate conventional uniform rate
application. The chemical input from the "smart spray" portion is
recorded as a map (amount vs. GPS location) and conventional
spray chemical input is then equal to the total amount minus the
smart sprayer amount. Weed distribution data from the weed map
were plotted and analyzed with respect to these control zones
(sampling grids). Weed-free or weed-infestation areas at different
threshold levels were calculated. The result of this analysis
demonstrated how different weed control methods affect the
sprayer's performance.
Table 2. Proposed variable application rates (VAR)
Weed density (96) 0-1 1-2 2-10 >10
Application 10 33 66 100
rate (%)
Figure 3 is an example of color near infrared images from the
experiment field. Figure 4 shows the chemical application map,
which is also the weed infestation area distribution map. Table 1
summarized the weed density data collected with ground based
mapping system. Figure 5 shows an example of the correlation
between weed maps and processed-aerial image data. The
correlation between the aerial image and the weed map generated
with the ground system is found to be a function of the spatial
resolution of aerial imaging system. High-resolution remote
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