Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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For the retrieval of the surface reflectance, the LUTs were 
adjusted only for the pixel location in the swath and water 
vapour content using a bi- linear interpolation routine (Press et 
al, 1992) since single values for the other LUT parameters 
were used for the entire cube. For this purpose, the water 
vapour content was estimated for each pixel in the scene with 
an iterative curve fitting technique (Staenz et al., 1997). The 
surface reflectance was then computed for each pixel as 
described in Staenz and Williams (1997). 
The next processing step performs an empirical correction for 
irregularities in the reflectance data (band-to-band errors) that 
may have originated in the sensor, or that may have resulted 
from the approximation made in atmospheric modelling and the 
selection of RT code input parameters. These band-to-band 
errors were removed by calculating correction gains and offsets 
using spectrally flat targets (Staenz et al., 1999). The removal 
of these errors is referred to as post-processing. 
3.3 Endmember Selection and Spectral Unmixing 
Endmembers, required for the spectral unmixing, were selected 
from the data cubes themselves using an automated method, the 
Iterative Error Analysis (IEA: Szeredi et al., 2002). In a first 
step, the average spectrum of the scene is used to unmix the 
data set. When a data set is unmixed, a residual error image is 
produced. These errors, which are also a measure of the 
distance in n-dimensional space (n = number of bands) between 
the average spectrum and all the spectra of the data set, are 
calculated using a least-square estimate between the average 
spectrum and the spectrum of each pixel. The next step is to 
find the pixel or pixels that encompass the largest errors, i.e., 
that are furthest away from the average spectrum. The user 
selects the number of pixels forming these endmembers. This 
first endmember is then used to unmix the image cube, and the 
average spectrum is discarded. The errors will again be used to 
, find the furthest pixels from the first endmember and will create 
the second endmember. This process is repeated until the 
number of endmembers predetermined by the user is reached. 
In this case, 15 endmembers have been selected. 
Once all the endmembers were fourtd, the image cube was 
unmixed using a constrained linear technique (Shimabukuru 
and Smith, 1991; Boardman, 1995). Spectral unmixing uses a 
linear combination of a set of endmember spectra to unmix the 
composite spectrum into endmember fractions (between O0 and 
1) for each pixel of the scene. The reduced (428 nm — 2458 nm) 
AVIRIS wavelength range was utilised for the endmember 
selection and spectral unmixing. 
The assessment of the fidelity between original and de- 
compressed data was carried out at different data processing 
levels. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was calculated 
between original and de- compressed 16-bit digital numbers 
(scaled radiance) data cubes as follows: 
RAINE - I 2x YEN Say DAN (xp. — ib 
Ho HH. umi E j ' 
where DN, is the digital number of the de-compressed cube, 
DNo is the digital number of the original cube, nx is total 
number of pixels in the cube, ny is the number of lines in the 
cube, nb is total number of bands in the cube, x and y are the 
pixel and line position, respectively and b is the band number. 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 
In addition, the percent relative absolute difference (PRAD) 
was used as a fidelity measure for spectral variations on a pixe: 
basis between original and de- compressed data. PRAD is 
defined as follows: 
MA x y dh Lux, v Ww 
PRAD z 100 2 (21 
{ : 
where Lo is the radiance of the original spectrum and rp is the 
radiance in the de-compressed spectrum. Similarly, PRAD was 
also calculated for selected bands for all pixels in the scene to 
show the spatial variability of the data compression of the 
radiance data. 
The assessment of the endmember spectra was carried out using 
the Average PRAD (APRAD) and Spectral Angle Mapper 
SAM; Kruse et al., 1993) as a fidelity measure. These measures 
can be written as: 
I. ] 4. 
APRAD- — M PRAD(US) i3) 
Hn Fr 
1 X 
2 i 
V em, (n em, (in i 
NAA — cos” - i : [4 
b | en, np 3 Y ; hs] à 
hd FA * { i 
where emO(b) is the endmember reflectance in band b of the 
original cube and emD(b) is the endmember reflectance in band 
b of the de-compressed cube. SAM varies between O and 1 
where 0 indicates a perfect match between original and de- 
compressed endmember spectra. While APRAD provides a 
measure of the overall difference between original and de- 
compressed endmember spectra, SAM, which is insensitive to 
gain factors, gives a good indication about the preservation of 
absorption features in the de-compressed data. 
The fraction maps for each of the 15 endmembers were 
compared using the RMSE. 
5.1 Radiance Data 
The RMSE, calculated with equation (1) between original and 
de-compressed radiance cubes, increases with increasing data 
compression ratio (Tablé 2). A similar trend can be observed 
for the spatial within-band differences between original and de- 
compressed data expressed via PRAD. As an example, Figure 2 
shows the frequency distribution of PRAD, calculated for each 
pixel of bands 69 (1011 nm) and 205 (2319 nm), for data 
compression ratios of 10:1, 20:1, and 40:1. Both graphs show 
the same trend, although larger errors occur in band 205 for all 
compression ratios. Most pixels; 99.8 % at compression ratios 
of 10:1 and 99.3 % at 20:1, lie within 2.5 % error for band 69 
compared to 69.1 % and 65.3 %, respectively, for band 205. 
| Compression Matin 11:1 2411 41 
RMSE 34d SR 7 
l'able 2 RMSE of the original {average DN, = 4961) and de- 
compressed data cubes for different compression ratios. DN, 
and RMSE are in DN (scaled radiance). 

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