Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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small fields of around 4 ha area. This variability could be captured 
by both ground based and satellite based spectral indices. The 
narrow-band vegetation indices were significantly correlated to 
crop parameters. Further study is needed to find out better 
spectral indices to relate with soil parameters. Compared to 
satellite data, the ground based spectroradiometer data were more 
useful in analysing and correlating the crop and soil variability. 
Hence, there is strong need of very high resolution multi-spectral 
satellite based RS data, to study within field variability. 
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Authors are grateful to Shri J.S. Parihar, the Group Director, 
Agricultural Resources Group, SAC for his keen interest in this 
work. Thanks are due to Dr. S.S. Lal and Dr. G.S. Kang of CPRI 
for their co-operation for the field experiments. 

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