Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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Assured irrigation (around 96%) with large fields and adequate 
capital for various agricultural inputs (fertilizer consumption- 
0.158 t ha"), and consequent higher productivity (nearly 4 t 
ha”) is the characteristic features of agriculture in Punjab, 
Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh. Optimization of 
agricultural inputs and minimizing the cost of production and 
environmental impact are to be focussed. It is quite evident 
from the foregoing that in order to improve the agricultural 
production, to be competitive in the emerging seamless global 
economy and to maintain environmental health, two 
strategies, namely adoption of soil and water conservation 
measures, and minimizing the cost of cultivation need to be 
addressed. The implicit fact in the strategy is the applications 
of agricultural inputs based on crop demand, and soil attributes 
rather than applying at uniform rate across the field. 
At national level, information on the nature, extent, spatial 
distribution, potentials and limitations is available only at 
regional level (1:500,000 scale), at meso level (1:50,000 scale) 
only for part of the country, and at micro level no information 
is available. With respect to soil fertility status, as pointed out 
earlier, only regional / district-level recommendations based 
on crop response trials in experimental plots is available, 
which is used as a base for fertilizer applications. There is, 
therefore, need to generate at least field-level information on 
soil fertility. Similarly, for crop production, water resources is 
equally, if not more, important. Optimal utilization of 
irrigation water needs due focus. As witnessed in command 
areas, if not managed properly, it may lead to waterlogging and 
subsequent development of soil salinity and/or alkalinity. 
A beginning towards adoption of precision farming could be 
made in India by creating awareness amongst farmers about 
consequences of applying imbalanced doses of farm inputs like 
irrigation, fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides. The next step 
would be the evaluation of soil fertility at individual field/plot 
level and make it available to farmers for fertilizer 
applications. Once it is achieved, in-field variability in soil 
fertility need to be looked at and managed by judiciously 
applying plant nutrients. 
As evident from the foregoing, in order to pursue precision 
farming, baseline information on nature, extent spatial 
distribution, potentials and limitations of soils is a pre- 
requisite. Since information on soils at meso-level is available 
only for part of the country, such information needs to be made 
available for entire country. Spaceborne multispectral 
measurements have been operationally used for deriving 
information on soils (Hilwig, and Karale,1973; Korolyuk and 
Shcherbenko, 1994), and soil limitations like soil erosion 
(Karale et al., 1989; Dwivedi et al.,1997), soil salinity and/or 
alkalinity, waterlogging, etc. (Metterricht and  Zinck, 1997; 
Dwivedi et al,2001). The Department of Space, Government 
of India has already taken initiative to generate soil resources 
maps at 1:50,000 scale for entire country using the Indian 
Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-1C/-1D Linear Imaging Self- 
scanning Sensor (LISS-III) data. 
The next step would be to generate detailed-level information 
on soil resources addressing potentials and limitations of 
individual fields since except for states like Punjab, Haryana, 
Madhya Pradesh and Maharastra where fields size is quite 
large, practically individual field could be treated as a 
homogenous management unit for the purpose of precision 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
farming. Currently available high spatial resolution 
multispectral data from IKONOS-II and Quick Bird-II, and 
those from planned earth observation missions, namely 
Resourcesat-1, Cartosat-1 and II would enable generating 
desired information. Remote sensing has shown encouraging 
results in providing information on soil fertility. Laboratory 
and in situ spectral measurements have been directly related to 
variability in soil organic matter (Baumgardner et al., 1970), 
soil calcium carbonate content (Leone et al., 1995), iron oxide 
content (Coleman and Montgomery, 1987), and soil nutrients 
particularly those associated with soil texture and drainage 
(Thompson and Robert, 1995). 
Information on the potential yield that can be achieved from 
a given piece of land and the likely yield of existing. crop is 
required to bridge the gap by suitably adjusting the agricultural 
inputs. Crop growth simulation model provide information on 
potential yield while multispectral measurements made from 
air and spaceborne platforms have shown immense potentials 
in crop yield estimation and forecasting using spectral indices 
(Tucker et al., 1980; Navalgund, 1991; Yang and Anderson, 
Remote sensing also holds good promise in deriving 
information on seasonally-variable soil and crop parameters, 
namely soil moisture status, crop conditions like vigour, 
infestation of weeds, pests and disease, required for farm 
management. Spectral measurements in thermal regions have 
been related with the variations in soil moisture content (Idso 
et al, 1975). In fact, the combination of long and short 
wavelengths e.g. Ku-band at 2 cm or x-band at 3 cm, have 
been used for assessment of within -the- field soil moisture 
conditions (Prevot et al., 1993). 
Various stages of crop development i.e., grain filling in wheat 
and anthesis of corn have been related to spectral 
measurements (Railyan and Korobov,1993; Boissard et 
al., 1993). Likewise, spectral measurements help measuring or 
monitoring crop growth through empirical correlation of 
Vegetation Index (VI) with such crop variables as leaf area 
index (LAI), per cent vegetation cover, vegetation phytomass 
and fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiance 
(fAPAR) required for calibration and validation of crop growth 
simulation models (Pinter, 1993). In addition, remotely sensed 
data could be used for deriving crop co-efficients (the ratio of 
actual crop evapo-transpiration and that of a reference crop) 
for estimation of actual, site-specific crop evapo-transpiration 
rate from readily available meteorological information 
(Bausch, 1993; Ray and Dadhwal, 2001). 
Reflectance measurements in the green (0.545 pm) spectral 
band have been related to plant nitrogen content and canopy 
nitrogen deficits (Fernandez et al., 1994). Besides, remote 
sensing has some potential for detecting and identifying crop 
diseases (Malthus and Madeira, 1993), weed infestation 
(Brown et al., 1994) and insect infestation (Yang and Chang, 
2001). Furthermore, remote sensing has a variety of roles in 
determining the cause of spatial and temporal crop and soil 
variability. The most obvious role is the use of remote sensing 
information to improve the capacity and accuracy of decision 
support system (DSS) and agronomic models by providing 
accurate input information or as a means of model calibration 
or validation. Another role is the use of hyperspectral images 
for direct crop diagnosis. 
The Geographic Information System (GIS) contributes 
significantly to precision farming by allowing presentation of 

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