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have been obtained for groundnut separation from other crops
(Sharma et al., 1990) and rice-other vegetation separation in
Orissa (Panigrahy and Parihar, 1992). Even in MIR region,
better crop discriminability using TMS in comparison to TM7
has been observed, which could be related to the higher within
crop variability in TM7 (Dadhwal et al., 1996).
2.2 Yield Forecasting in CAPE
The CAPE project has explored a number of weather and RS-
based approaches for making district-level crop yield forecasts.
Since the forecasts are at district-level, the average district yield
series from State Department of Agriculture is used as input.
The models have been reviewd by type and crop by Dadhwal
and Ray (2000).
It was realized early in the CAPE project that (a) use of single
best approach for each crop and study area would require a
large effort for inter-model comparison as well as preparation
of data bases needed for each model and (b) the relative
forecast performance of a model changes year-to-year. Thus a
post-forecast integration of the models based on optimal
combination was suggested (Pandey et al, 1992). This
approach has been successfully used for a number of crops and
study states (Sridhar et al., 1994). Over the past decade, a
number of crop yield forecasting models using RS inputs have
been developed and used in making crop forecasts as
summarized below.
Single date, RS-based models developed for wheat (Bihar,
Haryana, MP, Punjab, UP); Kharif rice (Bihar, Orissa, West
Bengal); Mustard (Assam, Gujarat); Sorghum (Karnataka,
Maharashtra) and Cotton (Gujarat, Maharashtra) explain yield
variability ranging from 6 per cent (for Sorghum in Karnataka)
to 83 per cent (for Wheat in MP). A suite of normalization steps
that account for differences in sensor, atmosphere and date of
acquisition have to be used before a spectral index-yield
relation can be developed (Sharma et al., 1993).
Spectral profile related growth parameters derived from multi-
date AVHRR data have been used for crop yield modelling for
Wheat (Punjab), Rice (Orissa) and Sorghum (Maharashtra)
(Dubey et al., 1991, 1994; Potdar 1993). For Cotton in Gujarat,
multi-date LISS-I data have been used to generate spectral
Combination of different parameters like trend, RS and
meteorological parameters either by including all in a multiple
linear regression equation (Wheat in Punjab, UP) or by optimal
combination of different estimates (Wheat in MP, Mustard in
Gujarat) improved the predictability of models.
2.3 CAPE Forecasts
During the CAPE project a rich experience on performance of
various models for accuracy of production forecasts has been
gained. The salient conclusions are: (a) It is possible to meet
90/90 or even 95/95 accuracy criterion at state or group of
districts level, however for each district such accuracies were
Figure 2. Summary of wheat acreage and production forecasts
using RS data in Haryana and their comparison with
State Department of Agriculture estimates.
observed. (b) Using optical data, the kharif-season forecasts
cannot be always guaranteed due to cloud cover. The accuracy
varies with crop dominance, lower accuracy is observed if crop
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
as proportion of geographic area is low. As an illustration, the
relative deviation between RS forecasts and official estimates
for wheat crop in Haryana are given in Figure 2. Early results
from CAPE are given in Dadhwal et al., (1991), Panigrahi et
al., (1991), Mahey et al., (1993) and Sridhar et al., (1994).
As the forecasts from CAPE project were evaluated by DAC,
Ministry of Agriculture, a need for national scale, multiple, in-
season forecast was felt. This consideration led to examining
the relative strength and weakness of each system of
information gathering on crops, which led to formulation of an
integrated approach called ‘Forecasting Agricultural output
using Space, Agrometeorology and Land-based observations’
(FASAL). As remote sensing, weather and field observations
provide complementary and supplementary information for
making crop forecasts, FASAL proposes an approach which
integrates inputs from the three types of observations to make
forecasts of desired coverage, accuracy and timeliness. The
concept of FASAL thus strengthens the current capabilities of
early season crop estimation from econometric and weather-
based techniques followed by use of remote sensing data at
appropriate stage. FASAL will enable multiple forecast of
acreage as well as yield besides tracking the crop growth as the
season progresses.
Acreage forecast could begin with use of econometric models
or weather models and then use low-resolution remote sensing
data once the crops have emerged. To overcome the limitation
of spatial resolution, use of higher temporal (multi date)
resolution has been proposed. Small area i.e. district or smaller
administrative units will compulsorily require use of sampling
approach and high resolution RS data. The multiple yield
forecasts envisaged in FASAL could sequentially come from
time-series forecast, truncated weather-crop models, and RS-
weather combined models. Multiple weather and RS inputs
would also run crop simulation models in a Crop Growth and
Monitoring System (CGMS). A continuous crop assessment
with RS, weather and other inputs is thus proposed.
In addition to proposed integrated use of multiple source of data
for crop forecasting, FASAL also aims at institutionalising the
operational use of RS data for diverse applications in
agriculture while using other modern tools such as GIS, large
databases, modelling and networking to provide accurate crop
The experiment to issue multiple pre-harvest national wheat
production forecasts with state level dis-aggregation was
initiated in 1996 (Oza et al., 1996). It uses multi-date data from
Wide field Sensor (WiFS) onboard Indian Remote Sensing
Satellites (IRS) 1C, 1D and P3 for wheat area estimation and
regression-based wheat yield models at meteorological
subdivisions between fortnightly temperatures and deviations of
wheat yield from technology trend (Vyas et al. 1999). The six
study states (UP, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan
and Bihar) contribute 91.78 percent to national wheat
production (average for years 1995-96 to 1999-2000) and for
the remaining states historical trends are used.
The sampling approach for wheat inventory, implemented in
Arc/Info, consists of stratified random sampling with two-stage