with the
| up to 90
r Tablel.
of sowing
LAI was
> LAI was
d lower in
) reported
wing 25th
ally with
ication of
umong the
y UP2338,
:ased upto
f area and
n WH108
owth. The
dry matter
reached in
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'eal that it
Among the
higher dry
sown crop
ion in dry
s, the dry
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) nitrogen)
] in wheat
sported the
jenced by
dry matter
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j 3765 and
dry matter
/H283 and
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YS, 1217.3,
3, UP2338,
ong sowing
wed by D,
an D2 The
s attributed
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
to higher air temperatures experienced at reproductive phase by
wheat crop in delayed sowings which resulted ultimately in
forced maturity. Tiwari and Singh (1993) reported that delayed
sowing significantly reduced the grain yield. Nitrogen
application had significantly influenced the grain yield Yield is
significantly increased with increases of nitrogen doses .The
maximum yield was found when the crop was fertilized with
150 kg/ha nitrogen and minimum in case of when no nitrogen
applied. The yield was significant higher in N3 with respect to
N2.Among the wheat cultivars PBW343 produced significantly
higher yield as compared to the other wheat cultivars (Table3).
The grain yields were 38.51, 37.88, 35.03,33.85 and 31.99
kg/ha in PBW343, UP2338, WH542, Raj3765andSonak,
respectively. Randhawa et al. (1992) reported that when crop
was sown late, its flowering period was shortened because by
that time it comes to flowering and the atmospheric temperature
was high. The yield of var. PBW343 is significant wit respect
to var. UP2338.
Chlorophyll and wax content
Chlorophyll and Wax content of wheat leaves at anthesis under
various treatments are presented in Table 3. The table shows
that chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and Wax
contents differed significantly in different dates of sowing
except chlorophyll b. Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total
chlorophyll, and wax contents were highest in D, followed by
D, and lowest in D3; sowing date. Among different nitrogen
levels chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll
differed significantly, and increased with increasing doses of
nitrogen fertilizer wax content were decreased with increased
dose of fertilizer. However, Optenhofel et al., (1997) found that
nitrate deficiency had no effect on epicular wax in wheat. The
highest chlorophyll content was observed in N3 and lowest in
Nj level; however, wax contents were highest in No treatment
followed by N;, N; and N; treatments as shown in Table 3.
Rathore and Manohar (1989) found that chlorophyll a and b
content increased with nitrogen application in mustard crop. In
cultivars also the total chlorophyll and wax content differed
significantly except chlorophyll b. The chlorophyll contents
were highest in PBW343 followed by UP2338, WH542, Sonak
and Raj 3765 while and wax content were highest in Sonak
followed by UP2338, WHS542, Raj 3765 and PBW 343.
Anderson and Boardman (1964) quantified the chlorophyll a, b
and carotenoids in wheat crops.
Spectral Indices
The data on different spectral indices at three main stages were
presented in table 4. The values of all spectral indices were
effected by different dates of sowing. The maximum values of
SSb, PVI, Gn. and ND were 52.92,10.39, 28.01and 0.87
respectively at maximum LAI stage when crop was sown on
25"November and it decreased with delay in sowing and the
minimum values of SSb, PVI, Gn and ND were
44.30,8.83,23.42 and 0.76 respectively at maximum LAI stage
when crop was sown on 25" December.
In case of nitrogen application the vegetative indices increased
with increasing doses of nitrogenous fertilizer. The maximum
value of vegetative indices was found when the crop fertilized
with 150-kg/ha nitrogen. This was due to higher LAI observed
in this treatment (Table2).
Among varieties the spectral indices were higher in PBW343
followed by UP2338, WH542, Raj3765 and Sonak.. Among the
spectral indices PVI was most important indices for yield
prediction. The values of PVI were 10.62, 9.90, 9.77, 8.87 and
8.68 in variety PBW343, UP2338, WH542, Raj3765 and Sonak
at maximum LAI stage.
Relationships between crop parameters and spectral indices
The correlation coefficients between crop parameters and
spectral indices at three different phenophases are presented in
Table 5. Spectral indices recorded at maximum LAI stage were
better correlated with crop parameters as compared to other
phenophases. However, the correlation coefficients on other
phenophases are also significant at P<0.05. Among the spectral
indices recorded at maximum LAI stage, perpendicular
vegetation index showed highest correlation with crop
parameters except chlorophyll content, which showed
maximum association with simple subtraction index. On the
basis of 'r' values best spectral indices were selected for
development of regression equations with crop parameters. The
multiple regression equations for estimation of crop variables
on the basis of spectral indices measured at maximum LAI
stage are of forms:
Leaf area index = 0.0712 + 0.1712 PVI, + 0.1264 Gn,
(3.740) (3.113)
R? - 0.89, SE=0.137, F=96.87
Chlorophyll = 4.5164 - 0.0631 SSb, + 0.147 Gn, + 0.0926 Gn,
(mg/g leaf f.wt.) (-4.238) (4.298) (1.666)
R°=0.90, SE = 0.179, F = 70.64
Dry Matter (g/m?) =
-890.153+63.9426 PVI, + 4.969 GN, +1156.60 TVI,
(6.417) (1.652) (3.680)
R?=0.95, SE = 24.87, F = 126.236
Yield = -28.129 + 1.715 Gn, + 4.438 PVI,
(-4.628) (7.295)
R? = 0.93, SE = 2.031, F = 155.25
PVI, = Perpendicular vegetation index at jointing stage
PVI, =Perpendicular vegetation index at maximum LAI stage
GN, =Greenness index at jointing stage
GN, =Greenness index at maximum LAI stage
SSb, = Simple subtractions index at maximum LAI stage
ND, =Normalized difference at maximum LAI stage
The spectral indices Gn, SR and PVI collectively explained
variation in leaf area index, dry matter and yield upto 89, 95
and 93 per cent, respectively. Whereas, simple ratio, simple
subtractions and greenness index collectively explained
variation in chlorophyll content upto 90 per cent.
Similar spectral models were developed by Ram Niwas and
Sastri (1995) for pearl millet. Mishra (1989) regressed the
spectral indices with chlorophyll content of wheat leaves.
Anderson, J.M. and Boardman, N.K.,1964. Studies on the
greening of dark grown bean plants. II. Development of
photochemical activity. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 17,pp. 93-101.
Bauer, M.E., 1985. Spectral inputs to crop identification and
condition assessment. Proc. IEEE. 73(6):pp. 1071-1085.
Das, D.K. (1992). Education and training in agricultural