Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

JAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
ception, Table 2. Effect of different treatments on dry biomass (g/m?) at various growth stages in wheat 
>t under 
Treatments 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 
ometric ; D, 43.3 136.3 236.6 473.3 829.7 1001.7 1288.2 
Remote D; 342 104.4 180.5 339.9 678.9 890.8 11524 
di D; 247 70.2 169.5 285.6 599.5 807.2 1047.7 
uishing s 
gramm. C.D. at 596 07.3 18.6 22.8 57.6 56.4 60.3 80.1 
No 22.9 81.6 158.0 299.7 586.5 818.0 968.4 
ERTS. N; 28.6 92.7 180.1 371.9 653.7 880.9 1123.5 
N, 36.9 115,3 204.2 416.2 757.2 988.9 1254.8 
garwal, N3 41.7 123.2 212.8 449.5 788.3 1011.6 1311.5 . 
ship of 
Seminar C.D. at 5% 04.8 11.3 16.4 38.8 48.0 50.4 68.8 
une 22- Vi 32.7 101.2 191.7 356.7 688.4 887.3 1161.2 
V2 35.1 113.0 203.6 395.8 778.9 983.5 1252.3 
growth , = 
1372. V3 317 109.9 184.9 392.4 728.3 922.5 1217.3 
. 1964. Va 31:4 97.6 180.8 347.5 681.5 848.3 11103 . 
ation of Vs 29.5 93.2 176.6 340.3 649.6 826.4 1086.6 
C.D. at 5% 02.4 3.5 06.9 21.2 23.1 30.5 40.4 
esponse i 
6-498. Table 3. Effect of different treatments on crop parameters in wheat 
onse of 
ciences. i 
Treatments Yield Chlorophyll a mg/g Chlorophyll b Total chlorophyll Wax content mg/cm 
ie leaf fresh weight mg/g leaf fresh a+b mg/g leaf fresh | 
(a/ha.) weight weight 
D, 40.55 5.62 2.50 8.12 5.64 
D; 35.94 5.28 2.43 7.71 4.61 
D; 29.71 8.02 2.34 7.36 4.07 
: C.D. at 5% 5.42 0.08 NS 0.62 0.72 
! No 19.07 5.11 2.36 747 5.45 
: N, 31.50 5.18 2.44 7.62 4.92 
N; 43.52 5.34 2.50 7.84 4.04 
| N; 47.44 5.54 2.49 8.03 3.90 
! CD.at5% | 733 0.05 NS 0.24 0.44 
: Vi 35.03 5.25 2.42 7.67 4.76 
V; 38.51 5.50 2.50 8.00 4.37 
V3 37.88 5.44 2.37 7.81 4.85 
) V4 33.85 5.22 2.32 7.54 4.62 
) Vs 31.99 5.10 2.41 7.51 4.92 
: CD.at5% | 3.12 Ns NS 0.16 0.25 

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