JAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
Table 1. The proxies of the failure mechanisms which are important for monitoring
This could be attained by digging canals in the polder parallel
to the dike and the bottom of these canals would be allowed to
burst open upwards due to the potential in the sand underlying
it. At a larger distance from the dike, the depth of the canal
would need to larger, so that seepage occurs at lower potential
and thus reduce the potential to levels not inducing seepage
near the dike. Obviously, this mechanism will work only if the
canal bottom can burst.
Figure 2. Typical cross section a dike and Seepage phenomenon
(Barends et al., 1992)
Figure 3. Seepage (TAW, 1994)
Remote sensing is the science and art of obtaining information
about an object, area or phenomenon through the analysis of
data acquired by a device that is not in contact with the object,
area or phenomenon under investigation (Lillesand; Kiefer,
2000). Electromagnetic spectrum is employed in the remote
sensing for detection and measuring target characteristics.
Electromagnetic spectrum is the continuum of energy that
ranges from the very short wavelengths of the Gamma-ray
region (measured in fractions of nanometers) to the long
wavelengths of the radio region (measured in meters), travels at
the speed of light and propagates through vacuum such as outer
3.1 Thermal Infrared (TIR)
The IR (Infrared) region is that portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum ranging in wavelength from o.7 um to 1 mm. The IR
portion can be classified in two methods:
- Based on nearness to the visible Light:
- Near Infrared 0.7 - 1.3 um
- Middle Infrared 1.3-3 um
- Far Infrared 3 um until 1 mm
- According to their nature:
- Reflected Infrared (RIR) 0.7-3 um
- Thermal Infrared (TIR) 3-14 yum
In this paper, the second definition is used.
The main source of the reflected IR is sun and 40 96 of the sun's
energy that earth has been receiving is in this portion, but the
main source that produce the Thermal IR energy is the heat of
earth which is due to the sun shine to the earth. All objects in
the world that have a temperature more than 0 eK (0 °K=-273
C) have radiant energy. For example, earth radiates energy
both day and night, with the maximum energy radiating at 9.7
pm wavelength. This radiant energy peak occurs in the thermal
portion of the IR region. ;
The reflected IR region includes the photographic IR band (0.7
to 0.9 um), which may be detected directly by IR sensitive film.
On IR colour photographs the red signature records IR energy
that is strongly reflected by vegetation and is not related to
thermal radiation. Within the IR portion of the spectrum, it
should be noted that only Thermal IR energy is directly related
to the sensation of heat and Reflected IR energy is not.
Therefore photographic film does not detect TIR radiation.
Special detectors and optical-mechanical scanners detect and
record images in thermal IR spectral region. In the TIR images,
the brightest tones represent the warmest radiant temperature
and the darkest tones represent the coldest tone.
The atmosphere does not transmit all wavelengths of thermal IR
radiation uniformly. Carbon dioxide, ozone and water vapour
absorb energy in certain wave length regions (call absorption
bands). The atmosphere transmits wavelengths of 3 to 5 um
and 8 to 14 pm (Fig. 4). The narrow absorption band of 9 to 10
um (shown as a dashed curve in Fig. 4) is caused by the ozone
layer at the top of the earth's atmosphere. To avoid the effects
of this absorption band, satellite TIR systems record
wavelengths from 10.5 to 12.5 um. Systems on aircraft, which
fly beneath the ozone layer, are not affected and may record the
full window from 8 to14 um.
pon ona pecs Thermal IR
Le iR
100 O; H,0 H;O
H;O O; CO;
10.5 to 12.5 um
= band :
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Wavelength, um
-—— — zz — A
3 to 5 um 8to 14 um
band band
Transmittance, 96
Figure 4. Electromagnetic spectrum showing spectral bands
used in the thermal IR region. Gases that cause atmospheric
absorption are indicated (Sabins, 1997)
fi^ C PA V4 4 0.93