Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002 
Dr.Sridhar Vadlapudi a *, Dr. I V Murali Krishna b 
a Research Scholar , Center for Environmental Remote Sensing , Chiba University,1-33,Y ayoi-Cho,Inoge-Ku,Chiba,263- 
8522,Japan. vadlapudi Q hotmail.com 
b Center for Spatial Information Technology, JNT University, Hyderabad,India.iyyanki (2 yahoo.com 
KEYWORDS: Mangroves, Estuarine, Remote Sensing , GIS, Image Processing, Modeling, Zonal Features 
Remote Sensing from aerial and space platforms has emerged as a powerful tool for monitoring the aquatic environment. Rapid 
improvements in spatial -and spectral resolution of satellite data obtained from Remote Sensing platforms, there is a need for 
continued research in the field of study. Besides this there are various image analysis and analytical tools like Geographic 
Information Systems(GIS) and Digital Image Processing (DIP) are available . There is a need to study the integration of Remote 
sensing with GIS and DIP to evolve techniques for optimum planning of aquatic environment.There are three parts involved in the 
study. The first part consists of mapping of mangroves and its environs to identify the parameters that have affected the mangroves 
and the related ecosystem using Remote sensing data. The Indian Remote Sensing satellites temporal data has been used. The land 
use pattern is studied by analyzing maps prepared from Remote Sensing data by visual interpretation techniques. Limited ground 
truth is carried out.The second part consists of creating a GIS model by integrating information obtained from Remote sensing and 
other resources using PC based GIS. The satellite data was interpreted for various themes like landuse/landcover , soils, 
geomorphology etc.. The other collateral data is used for Isohyetal mapping . By assigning suitable weightages to various parameters 
that affected the mangrove and its ecology, a final optimal land use map was prepared.The third part consists of Digital Image 
Processing. Indian Remote Sensing satellite digital data corresponding to topographical sheets 65L/1,L/2,L/5, L/6 and H/14 are used 
for digital analysis like enhancement ,classification etc... Both supervised and unsupervised classification is done by way giving 
training sets/clustering using ERDAS Imagine on DecAlpha work station. An attempt has been made for identification of zonal 
features (vegetation types) in mangroves using IRS digital data. Unsupervised clustering gave certain recognition maps and these 
when compared with ground information were found to be quite correctly depicting the type of vegetation zonation. 
1. INTRODUCTION The subject selected for the study is with reference to the 
following themes: 
Mangroves are a group of salt tolerant plant species that occur * To utilize the Orbital Remote Sensing data for 
in the tropical and subtropical intertidal estuarine regions, monitoring the mangrove Environment and its 
sheltered coastline and creeks and are dominated by partly ecology. 
submerged selerophyllous plant species that are taxinomically © To Develop a centralized information system, for 
unrelated. Mangroves constitute a dynamic ecosystem with a sustainable coastal Environmental Management using 
complex association of species both of floras and fauna of Geographic Information systems. 
terrestrial and aquatic systems and the vegetation presents an The specific objectives under these sub themes which 
evergreen type with varied life forms. contribute to the complete and comprehensive assessment of 
The four major roles of mangroves: the mangrove environment of selected area are: 
e Mangroves help in soil formation by trapping debris. e To map the mangroves and identify the parameters 
e They serve as sieve for rich organic soil washed 
down through river systems into sea. 
e Provide appropriate ecosystem and refuge for fish, 
marine invertibrates, morlusca and birds. 
*  Theycontribute detritus enhancing the productivity 
of the ecosystem. 
1.2 Scope And Objectives Of The Study 
Satellite Remote sensing has been operational for nearly two 
decades. However , with rapid improvement in spatial and 
spectral resolution of data obtained in visible and near infrared 
region and availability of data in microwave regions, there is a 
need for continued research in the field of aquatic environment 
from satellite data. Besides, there are number of Image 
processing and analytical tools like Geographic Information 
System are available. GIS provides the opportunity to overlay 
different layers of information obtained from satellites and 
other sources and optimally extract the required information. 
that have affected the mangrove and related 
ecosystem on 1:50,000 scale using Orbital Remote 
Sensing data 
e To study the landuse pattern by analyzing maps 
prepared from Remote Sensing data. 
e To apply digital image pre-processing techniques in 
order to improve discernability of features relate to 
mangrove forest on the imagery and develop a 
methodology for digital image processing. 
e To map the actual extent of the mangroves and 
delineate changes with reference to the past data and 
estimate the environmental damage to Coringa 
sanctuary, located at northern part of the study area. 
e To develop a GIS model by assigning different 
weightages to different parameters using Geographic 
Information systems. 
* To present the results and data generated by maps, 
charts, tables and tests in the form of a report which 

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