Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002 
will serve as ready reference for any developmental 
® To assist planners, decision - makers in integrated 
coastal zone planning and management, as well as to 
make the generated information to other target 
1.1 Study Area 
The study area is Located near Kakinada of East Godavari 
district, Andhra Pradesh, India.It exists at Latitude: 16°23" 
Longitude: 82°20' having Mangrove Area: 15,282.0 Ha 
comprising I.Polavaram, Tallarevu and Katrenikona mandals. 
2.2 Main Problems in the study area 
e Conservation of mangrove areas for agricultural 
activities and aquaculture. 
e Exploitation of mangrove resources due to heavy 
human pressure. 
e Human activities like clear felling , diversion of 
fresh water, near shore mining. 
e Oil and industrial pollution. 
2.4 Materials And Methods 
As the objective was to study to evolve Remote sensing 
parameters for monitoring the mangrove environment and 
finally to integrate them in a GIS model. For the study area, 
the temporal satellite imagery data and other collateral data 
were interpreted and maps depicting changes were prepared. 
Finally, the various thematic maps like geomojphology, Soils, 
landuse/landcover were integrated to evolve a model on GIS. 
2.4.1 Data Used: 
Indian Remote Sensing Satellite data (photoprints and digital 
data) was used in the mapping of mangrove environment. 
Cloud free data and the date of pass are the important factors 
given priority in the selection of the satellite data. Primarily, 
false color composites (FCC's) on 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 scale 
were used. The other products used include digital data and the 
date of pass is the important factors given priority in the 
selection of the satellite data. 
Map-ld__ Path Row Subscene Period Satellite- 
65H/14 022 56 L2A2 16March95 IRS-1B 
65H/14 022 56 L2A2 07March94 IRS-1B 
65L/1 022 56 L2A2 16March95 IRS-1B 
65L/1 022 56 L2A2 07March94 IRS-1B 
65L/2 022 56 L2A2 16March95 IRS-1B 
65L/2 022 56 L2A2 07March94 IRS-1B 
65L/5(1) 022 56 L2A2 16March95 IRS-1B 
65L/5(1) 022 56 L2A2 07March94 IRS-1B 
65L/6 022 56 L2A2 16March95 IRS-1B 
65L/6 022 56 L2A2 07March94 IRS-1B 
Other reference information consulted during interpretation 
(visually and digitally) of IRS data. 
* Forest resource map: Pre-investment survey of forest 
resources on scale 1:250,000. 
* Forest vegetation map: Forest survey of India, third edition, 
based on interpretation of imagery data between 1987- 1990, 
scale 1:250,000. 
* Plantation Index map, showing approximate location of 
plantation areas on 1:250,000 topomap. 
* Landuse/Landcover details from the field forms of the 1995 
field inventory. 
* Topographical maps: Survey of India. 
* Existing various thematic maps. 
* Meteorological data. 
2.4.2 Equipment Used: 
Remote sensing analysis, though possible without the use of 
complex equipment, does not yield best results without the use 
of appropriate equipment. In this study, the visual interpretation 
was done by delineating the features from FCC on a simple 
light table for better illumination.The digital image processing 
like image enhancement was done on work station (DecAlpha) 
using ERDAS Imagine image processing software.The GIS 
modeling is done using Arc/Info GIS software. The data input 
is carried out on AQ size digitizing table. The data output is 
done on a plotter/printer wherever necessary. 
2.4.3 Methodology: 
Visual interpretation is carried out by observing the different 
interpretation elements/keys like tone, texture, shape, 
association etc.. Limited Ground truth is carried out after the 
preliminary interpretation. The maps were corrected and 
finalized after returning from field work.The digital 
classification is done on workstation by way of giving training 
sets to different tones using ERDAS Imagine software. 
2.5 Mapping of mangroves and its extent in the study area 
The IRS - IB, LISS II Imagery dated March,1995 is used for 
the preparation of landuse / landcover maps on 1:50,000 
scale corresponding to Survey of India toposheets 
65L/1,L/2,L/5 and L/6. The Landuse/landcover maps are 
interpreted visually by following the legend prescribed by 
Department of space under National mission programme . 
Sequential nature of IRS data provide opportunity to monitor 
changes in the landuse activities in the mangroves .IRS has 
been quite extensively used for Mangrove landuse pattern. Both 
visual and digital analysis of IRS data provided useful 
information . Limited ground truth is carried out on coastal 
features such as mangrove forest, fish ponds, saltbeds and other 
landuses. Information obtained from these flights was used in 
association with that obtained from IRS data analysis. 

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