Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

sity of 
re than 
to the 
in the 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
region near Sri-Lanka; this may be due to the whirling of the 
monsoon winds in that region. 
MSMR Rainfall(mm/h) 1999-2001 
Figure 4: Distribution of MSMR rainfall seasonally 
It is interesting to note that even after the shift of ITCZ from 
north to south, the rainfall amounts are more over the eastern 
part of the Indian Ocean. 
This has been a maiden attempt to present a climatology using 
the data of Passive Microwave measurements from MSMR of 
Indian Remote Sensing satellite IRS-P4. Due to the obvious 
reasons of the limitations of the microwave sensors for its 
resolution capabilities, it would be unreasonable to claim the 
accuracy in absolute quantitative values of rainfall. However, 
the features of ITCZ and monsoon progress are brought out 
fairly well. In fact, it is interesting to note that with only three 
low frequencies and dual polarized channels (10, 18 and 21 
GHz) of MSMR, almost the similar features are brought out as 
those from the low to high frequency channels (10 to 85 GHz) 
of TRMM-TMI. Though no claim is being made about the 
competitiveness of these two sensors, however the results from 
MSMR does provide an opportunity to generate the monthly 
maps, suitable for the study of displacement of the rain belts, 
and of changes in the intensity of the ITCZ from month to 
month. Several refinements are possible for the improvement of 
the results. However, the overall rainfall results shows that it 
could be used as inputs to numerical models and to studies of 
planetary energy and water budgets. Continuing with this spirit, 
the higher frequencies and resolutions from existing TRMM 
sensors, and forthcoming Megha-Tropiques and GPM mission 
sensors would be utilized with the objectives of many more 
possible applications. 
Authors are thankful to Dr. A.K.S. Gopalan, Director, SAC, 
and Dr. M.S. Narayanan, Group Director, MOG/SAC for their 
encouragement. Authors are also thankful to RSS/USA, and 
EORC/NASDA for providing TMI/PR data. 
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Varma, A.K., Gairola, R.M., Mathur, A.K., Gohil, B.S., and 
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Varma, A .K., Gairola, R.M., Pokhrel S., and Agarwal, V.K., 
2002 b, An Empirical Algorithm for Cloud Liquid Water from 
MSMR and Its Utilization in Rain Identification, submitted to 
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Varma, A .K., Gairola, R.M., Pokhrel S., Gohil, B.S., Mathur, 
A.K., and Agarwal, V.K., 2002 a, Rain Rate Measurements 
over Global Oceans from IRS-P4 MSMR, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 
- Earth and Planet. Sci., 111 (3), pp 257-266. 

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