Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
15.8°C to 19.2°C 
1 19.2°C to 21.2°C 
21.2°C to 256°C 
25.6°C to 26.0°C 
26.0°C to 27.3°C 
27.3°C to 31.6°C 
Figure 7. Estimated temperatures corresponding to thermal anomalies on Landsat 
TM-6 image, Jharia Coal field, India (Courtesy: A. Prakash) 
Remote sensing delineation of objects such as volcanic vents 
and fires is based on thermal anomalies associated with them. 
For temperature estimation, radiation intensity emitted from the 
target (heat source) is measured by a remote sensor. Planck's 
radiation equation is then used to convert the measured spectral 
radiance to radiant temperature and then to kinetic temperature. 
3.2 Methodology 
The procedure of temperature estimation involves the following 
main steps: determination of emitted radiation for each pixel; 
subtraction of radiation from other sources, such as solar 
reflected radiation, atmospheric scattering etc; conversion of 
corrected DN values into emitted radiance; and finally 
conversion of emitted spectral radiance into radiant temperature 
The sensors used for measuring thermally emitted radiance 
include the aerial sensors operating in TIR and SWIR region, 
and satellite sensors such as Landsat TM, ETM+, JERS-OPS 
etc. For example, figure 6 shows the temperature sensitivity of 
Landsat TM spectral bands. 
The tools and methodology of temperature estimation depend 
upon the range of temperature anomaly. In this context two 
broad types can be distinguished: (a) buried hot features and (b) 
surface hot features. 
3.2.1 Buried hot features: Some of the thermal sources are at a 
certain depth, e.g. subsurface fires, molten lava at depth etc. 
The surface temperature of the ground above buried hot features 
is generally quite low, owing to the low thermal conductivity of 
rocks such as sandstone, shale, coal etc. The thermal IR band 
data is best suited for sensing this order of temperature. 
Figure 7 is an example of the measurement of temperatures 
from thermal anomalies associated with subsurface fires in a 
coal field. 
3.2.2 Surface hot features: Volcanic vents with molten 
magma, lava flows and surface coal fires are characterized by 
high temperatures, reaching upto about 800°-1000°C. Features 
with such high temperatures emit radiation also in SWIR region 
(1.0-3.0u m), as indicated by Planck’s law. Therefore, although, 
the SWIR region is generally regarded as suitable for studying 
reflectance properties of vegetation, soils and rocks, it can also 
be used for studying high-temperature surface features. 
Further, the fire or volcanic vent need not occupy the whole of 
the pixel; therefore, the temperature integrated over the entire 
pixel, would be generally less than the fire or vent temperature. 
As sensors in the SWIR bands (e.g. Landsat TM; JERS-OPS; 
ASTER) have the capability to measure this range of 
temperatures, their data can be used for studying surface hot 
For example, in a coal fire area, the pixel-integrated 
temperatures for surface fires have been found to range between 
217°C to 410?C. Figure 8a shows a Landsat TM image 
exhibiting a thermal anomaly within a crater on Lascar, Chile, 
with pixel-integrated temperatures shown in Figure 8b. 
3.2.3 Sub-pixel temperature estimation: An active lava flow 
will consist of hot, molten material in cracks, surrounded by 
chilled crust. Similarly, in a coal-fire area, within a pixel only a 
part is filled with surface fire. Therefore, thermally, the source 
pixel will be made up of two distinct surface components: a) a 
hot component (occupying fraction 'p' of the pixel) and b) a 
cool component which will occupy the remaining (1-p) part of 
the pixel. Using the dual-band method (Matson and Dozier 
1981), the temperature and size of these two sub-pixel heat 
sources can be calculated (Rothery et al., 1988; Oppenheimer, 
1991; Prakash and Gupta, 1999) 
Thus, remote sensing using SWIR bands can generate data for 
understanding the volcanism cooling of lava flows and 

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