Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
183 | 210 | 188 
148 243 | 274 | 211 
194 | 234 | 276 | 275 | 221 
214 | 248 |>279| 276 | 211 
226 | 240 | 245 | 220 
b Band 7 
Figure 8. a Anomaly on Landsat TM7 image (16 March 1985) within a crater of the 
Luscar volcano, Chile; b corresponding TM7-based pixel-integrated temperatures. (a,b 
Francis and Rothery 1987) 
distribution of temperature and movement of coal fires. Such 
information would hardly be available by any other technique. 
4.1 Physical Principle 
There has always been a need for estimating surface 
deformation and movement related to earthquakes, volcanism, 
tectonic movements, creeps, landslides, glaciers etc. This type 
of data can make valuable inputs in natural disaster 
management, as well as in modelling Earth's processes. 
The conventional method of aerial photo interpretation have 
long been used to map faults and lineaments, and deduce 
directions of relative movements in the geological past, 
wherever possible; but these methods fall short of the needs, 
particularly in natural hazards and disaster management. 
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR) has 
emerged as a powerful technique for producing digital elevation 
models (DEMs). The method combines complex images 
recorded by SAR antennas at different time-instances to 
generate interferograms. This permits determination of 
differences in the 3-D location of objects, i.e. generation of 
DEMs. The DEMs have wide application for geoscientific 
studies, e.g. for topographic mapping, geomorphological 
studies, detecting surface movements, earthquake and volcanic 
hazard studies, landslide studies and several other applications. 
The basic strength of SAR interferometric technique is that the 
difference in distances from any two antenna positions can be 
measured with fractional wavelength accuracy in terms of phase 
difference. The phase difference can then be processed to derive 
height information, i.e. generate a DEM. 
Differential SAR interferometry can detect relative changes, of 
the order of a few centimeters or even less (Gabriel et al. 1989). 
The technique utilizes three or more SAR images, which are 
processed to yield two or more interferograms (Fig. 9). Then 
from a set of interferograms, a difference image is generated to 
depict surface changes and movements that have taken place in 
the intervening period. 
4.2 Methodology 
Figure 9. Principle of differential SAR interferometry 

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