Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

JAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
these 3 Valley Fills DW 8 7.2-8.4 0.7 - 4.8 05-24 1.0 - 2.6 180-310 | 250 
BW 6 18.0-40.0 | 2.7-62 1.1-2.9 1.1532 220-395 | 320 
d into 4 | Pediments DW 6:/| $5:42,3:9]4.3-105 | 23-34 [27-54 140-185 | 150 
ics of DBW 4 120-225 | 5.6-10.6 127-42 3.5 - 7.6 165 -210 185 
BW 7 38.0- 62.0 | 7.5- 140 | 3.5- 6.0 5.2-8.0 190-250 | 210 
5 Moderately DW 3 9.2 - 12.4 2.6 - 5.6 1.1-3.2 1.5-2.4 165-225 | 180 
Irs on | Dissected DBW 4 10.5-16.5 | 4.1- 7.8 1.6 - 3.8 2.5 -4.0 210-260 | 225 
'ering Plateau BW 6 30.0-60.0 | 4.9-8.3 21-43  |3.8-6.0 188-294 | 260 
. The 6 Highly DW 6 8.6 - 12.3 53 - 10.2 3.1 -5.2 2.4 - 5.6 45 - 85 65 
point Dissected BW 5 50.0-70.0 | 8.5-15.4 | 5.0-10.2 | 4.5- 68 42-91 85 
las an Plateau 
The 7. Denudational Nil 3 45.2-65.0 | 12.5-30.1 | 4.5- 11.3. | 5.8- 12.6 35 - 65 42 
study Hills 
st flat 
tream DW- Dug well DBW - Dug-cum bore well BW - Bore well 
(10 to c) Pediments: Pediments are noted as a narrow strip adjoining high drainage density (> 3km/km?), high stream frequency (3.5 
| grey the older alluvial plain at the foot of the moderately dissected to 4.5 streams/km?) and high relative relief (26090). 
; and plateau in the central and southern part of the basin parallel to 
‚water the river channel. Pediments occupy about 5% of the area of the The soils over the plateau are dark brown to dark reddish brown 
loped basin. They range in elevation from 400 to 450 m above msl. in colour, clayey, skeletal and non-calcareous in composition, 
itaries Morphometric attributes of the pediments are gently sloping well to excessively drained, low in moisture retentive capacity 
| deep surfaces (2° to 5°) low gradient, coarse drainage density (~1 and underlained by weathered basalt. In this geomorphic unit 
luring km/km?), low stream frequency (1 to 2 streams/km?) and the groundwater potentiality is poor. The water table 
from relative relief is about 15 %. Sediments comprising the fluctuations are ranging from 2.4 to 5.6 m bgl in dug wells and 
yield pediments are not very thick. 4.5 to 6.8m bgl in bore wells. The average yield ranges from 65 
Ipm in dug wells to 85 lpm in bore wells. 
The soils occurring over this unit are dark greyish brown to 
atches black coloured, calcareous, moderately well to ill drained f) Moderately dissected plateau: This geomorphic unit has 
el of colluvium and scree with high moisture retentive capacity. widest spatial distribution in the basin and occupies about 37% 
> total Severe gully erosion has dissected the pediments at several of the total area. It has elevation range of 420 to 480 m above 
nt bar places. Groundwater potential in pediments is poor except msl. The main dissecting agents here are the Purna, Dudhana: 
's and along fractures where limited quantity of groundwater can be Rivers and their tributaries. The morphometric attributes of the 
of the obtained for domestic purpose. The water table fluctuations are moderately dissected plateau include moderate slope (5? to 
20 m ranging from 2.7 to 5.4 m in dug wells and 5.2 to 8 m in bore 10°), gentle gradient, moderately coarse drainage density (1.5 to 
plain wells. The average yield ranges from 150 Ipm in dug well to 2 km/km?), moderate stream frequency (2 to 2.5 streams/km?), 
s, low 210 Ipm in bore wells. and medium relative relief (25%). 
to 1.5 
0) and d) Valley Fill: Valley fills range in elevation from 420 to 480 The soils covering these plateau units are moderately thick, 
m above msl covering about 796 of the area of basin. The valley dark brown to black in colour, clayey, calcareous, moderate to 
fill deposits found in northern and southeastern part of the well drained and high in moisture retentive capacity. They have 
unit is basin. Morphometric attributes of valley fill areas are: fairly good groundwater potential. The  weathered zone 
wn to moderately steep gradient (5° to 10°), moderately coarse thickness ranges from 5 to 15 m. Dug wells are commonly seen 
rained drainage density (1.5 to 2 km/km?), moderate stream frequency in this zone. The irrigation in this zone is mainly done through 
The (2 to 3 streams/km?) and moderate relative relief (22%). dug wells and dug —cum bore wells. Water table fluctuation 
ing of ranges from 1.5 to 2.4m in dug wells, 2.4 to 4.0 in dug cum 
ble is The materials comprising these surfaces, consists mainly of bore wells and 3.8 to 6.0 m in bore wells. Similarly the average 
iod in weathered products of the surrounding basaltic rocks, mostly yield ranges from 180 Ipm to 260 lpm in the dug and bore wells 
ind to comprise moderately thick gravels, pebbles, sand and silt. The respectively (Table 1). 
wells. soil cover over this unit consists of dark greyish brown to dark 
while brown coloured, sandy clay (calcareous) with high moisture g) Denudational Hills: The hill ranges in northern part of the 
retentive capacity. The groundwater potential ranges from 
moderate to good. These valleys are developed along the 
fractures and such places can be exploited for groundwater 
through deep bores. The water table is shallow i.e. < 3 m bgl 
during post monsoon period. The average yield of 250 and 320 
1pm is found in dug and bore well respectively 
e) Highly dissected plateau: This landscape unit is dominant 
in the northern hilly terrain and occupies about 30% of the total 
geographical area of the basin. The lands of this unit are 
severely dissected by the Dudhana, Purna, Karpara and their 
tributaries giving rise to a terrain consisting of flat-topped 
ridges and steep scarps. This unit has elevation range of 450 to 
560 m above msl. Morphometric attributes of the highly 
dissected plateau include steep slopes (> 10%), rapid runoff, 
basin in Jintur Tahsil are part of hills along northern margins of 
Buldana-Ajanta plateau. The average elevation of these hill 
ranges is about 530 m above msl. They occupy about 4% of 
total geographical area. The hilltops have heights ranging from 
542 m above msl (in the west) to 488 m above msl (in the east). 
Apart from these, there are several isolated barren hills 
scattered over the plains within elevation range of 420 to 560 m 
above msl. These hills in the area have steep gradient (>15°), 
high drainage density (3 to 3.5 km/km?), high stream frequency 
(4 to 4.5 streams/km?), high relative relief (68%) and are 
characterised by rapid runoff. 
The soil cover this geomorphic unit is very thin. The soils are 
rocky, clayey, non-calcareous and underlain by weathered 
basalts. The flow characteristics of the basalts can be easily 
identifiable in the hills. The hills are sometimes barren and at 

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