Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

JAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
Table — 1: Morphometric parameters of micro-watershed 
Area Basin 
M-wshed| in Perimeter Length |Bifurcation|Drainage| Stream | Form Circularity|Elongation|Texture 
Name j|sq.km| in kms | in km ratio density |frequency|factor| ratio ratio ratio 
2CSB7b1.| 14.71 26.401 6.89 1.2500 0.639 0.612} 0.310 0.265 0.6283| 0.189 
2C5B7b2 3.22 12.18 3.91 2.8000 3.8401 10.559 0.211 0.274 0.3179 1.564 
2C5B7b3 | 11.36 17.63 | .621 2.8333 0.609 1.056| 0.295 0.458 0.6126| 0.453 
2C5B7b4 2.01 6.76| 2.44 2.0000 0.259 1.031| 0.489 0.800 0.7892] 0.296 
2C5B7b5 3.33 7.33| 1,64 2.0952 2.847 6.907| 1.238 0.774 1.2561] 1.769 
DCSEIe15| .,2.34 7.04| 2.65 3.0000 3.029 5.5561 0.333 0.593 0.6514| 1.136 
2C5Ele16| 2.89 8.34 . 3.13 1.6667 2.060 2.768] 0.295 0.522 0.6129] 0.600 
2CSElel7| 2.27 6.17 2.31 2.3333 1.963 4.405] 0.425 0.749 0.73621 1.135 
RCSEle18| 2.93 HI 2:75 2.5000 0.860 3.072] 0.387 0.616 0.7025| 0.776 
DCSElc19|-. 2.08 6.77} 2.66 1.7500 1.660 5.288| 0.294 0.570 0.6117| 1.034 
RCSE1f10! 5.45 13.62] 615 2.0000 0.923 1.101| 0.144 0.369 0.4285| 0.294 
RCSE1f11| 6.83 16.68] 6.65 1.7500 0.943 1.611, 0.154 0.308 0.4435| 0.420 
DCSEIfI2| 8.37 13.88 4.49 2.6786 1.465 2.628| 0.415 0.546 0.7273| 0.937 
RCSE1f13 | 13.95 20:38]. 5,53 2.3333 1.647 3.226| 0.456 0.422 0.7623, 1.227 
RCSE1f14| 10.86 17.500 — 5.04 1.4286 1.026 1.565| 0.428 0.445 0.7380 0.571 
RCSEIf1S| 4.30 11.60 4.6 3.6667 2.562 3.488| 0.203 0.401 0.5087, 0.690 
RCSE1f16| 6.65 12.42, 4.56 2.1667 1.872 2.857]. 0.320 0.541 0.6383| 0.966 
DCSE1f17| 5.83 12.91 4.51 2.5000 1.223 1.201| 0.287 0.439 0.6043| 0.387 
DCSEIfI8| 6.19 10.95 4 2.9551 2.778 6.300} 0.387 0.648 0.7020) 1.918 
RCSE1f19| 4.16 9.59} 4.09 3.2000 1.684 3.125] 0.249 0.568 0.5629] 0.730 
DCSEIf20| 4.29 9.84 4.2 1.6000 2.330 3.030| 0.243 0.556 0.5566| 0.813 
DCSEIf21| 2.04 9°53 3.80 1.0000 0.911 0.980| 0.158 0.282 0.4491| 0.105 
2CSE1f3 0.25 3.434 0.22 0.0000 1.148 8.000} 5.165 0.267 2.570% “0.583 
RCSE1f4 3.94 197 : 2.95 1.4000 1.666 3.046| 0.453 0.779 0.7595| 0.878 
DCSE1f5 7.30 12.82, 4.87 2.4167 1.527 2.603, 0.308 0.558 0.6262] 0.858 
2CSE1f6 5.18 10.47 4.19 1.8333 2.156 3.475] 0.295 0.594 0.6131| 0.955 
DCSEIf7 3.12 9.26 4 1.3333 1.366 2.885] 0.195 0.457 0.4985] 0.432 
2RCSE1f8 6.99 15.13) „3,91 1.8095 2.219 5.293] 0.457 0.384 0.7632| 1.388 
DCSEIfO |.15.51 18.43] 7.75 1.0000 0.383 0.258| 0.258 0.574 0.5735| 0.109 
2C5E1gl 6.58 16.49} 7.55 0.5000 1.046 0.456] 0.115 0.304 0.3835] 0.061 
2C5E1gl10| 4.51 11.73 4.8 1.5966 3.217 8.647, 0.196 0.412 0.4993| 1.705 
QCSElgll| 2.38 6.75|-. .2.72 1.4167 2.041 5.462| 0.322 0.656 0.6401] 0.889 
RC5E1gl2| 3.20 8.01 2213.12 1.0000 . 0.487 0.625| 0.329 0.626 0.6471| 0.125 
DCSEl1g13, 1.68 6.84} 2.55 1.2000 2.767 6.548| 0.258 0.451 0.5736| 0.877 
DCSElg14| .1.71 5.28 1.9 4.0000 2.578 5.848| 0.474 0.770 0.7771 1515 
2C5E1g15| 4.68 8.66 2.6 2.7500 2.606 4.915. 0.692 0.784 0.0390] - 1.732 
RCSElg1l6| 3.78 8.24} 3.26 5.6500 2,732 6.349| 0.356 0.699 06732 1.57% 
DCSEl1gl7| 4.77 13.74} 5.48 1.8571 2.507 5.660| 0.159 0.317 0.4498| 1.092 
2C5E1g18| 28.76 37.18 13 0.0000 0.347 0.035| 0.170 0.261 0.4656| 0.027 
2C5E1g19| 0.98 4.097 1:65 2.0000 2.247 6.122] 0.360 0.743 0.6771] 0.983 
2C5E1g2 5.04 9.74 3.39 2.0139 2.449 5.754] 0.439 0.667 0.7474] 1.643 
RC5E1g20| 7.10 13:55 75.54 1.0000 0.830 0.282] 0.231 0.486 0.5429] 0.074 
2C5E1g3 3.52 8.97 3.99 1.0000 1.374 1.136] 0.221 0.549 0.5307] 0.223 
2C5E1g4 3.85 8.20 ; 2.22 1.7333 2.098 4.416| 0.781 0.719 0.9975| 1.098 
RCSE1g5 3.16 7.634 2.29 1.9571 3.353 8.861| 0.603 0.682 0.8760| 2.097 
2C5E1g6 3.19 8.74 2.92 1.6571 3.699|  10.972| 0.374 0.525 0.6904| 2.059 
2CSE1g7 4.30 11.33] 2.46 3.6250 2.174 2.791} 0,711 0.421 0.9512 0.618 
RCSE1g8 8.78 17.20 13.131 0.0000 0.857 0.228| 0.260 0.373 0.5756} 0.116 
RCSE1g9 1.93 6.25 2.5 1.6667 3.476 8.290| 0.309 0.621 0.6274| 1.600 
Table — 2: Prioritising micro-watersheds from morphometric analysis 
M-wshed |Bifurcation| Drainage Stream Circularity | Elongation| Texture Final 
Name ratio density | frequency |Form factor] ratio ratio ratio — |Mean value| priority 
2C5B7bl1 39 44 44 28 2 25 42 221 40 
2C5B7b2 9 1 2 10 4 10 10 46 1 
2C5B7b3 8 45 40 20 20 20 35 188 32 
2C5B7b4 20 49 41 43 49 43 39 284 49 

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