Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
interface is slightly higher than the normal hydrostatic pressure 
(CGWB, 1998). 
The recharge zones with reference to shallow and deep aquifers 
have been mapped in the study area based on the integration of 
the geomorphological and lithostructural maps and also the 
information obtained from the existing geological, 
hydrogeological and geophysical data. The structural hills and 
mountains lying north of HFF mainly act as run-off zones due 
to their unfavorable geomorphic-structural setting. However, 
the faults/fractures/lineaments, which cut across the Himalayan 
formations and also the Ganga Alluvium, the streams/rivers 
originating in the hills/mountains and emerging on to the plains, 
and the hill slopes facing and adjoining the plains, act as 
recharge sources for the shallow as wells as deep aquifers 
existing in the Ganga Alluvium and the underlying Siwaliks. 
The structural/intermontane valleys existing within the 
structural hills/mountains receive good recharge from the 
surrounding highlands. 
Towards south, active alluvial fans and upper part of piedmont 
alluvial fan, also called Bhabhar zone, form the excellent 
recharge zones to shallow aquifers and possibly even to deep 
aquifers due to the coarse nature of sediments and favorable 
disposition. This zone is present all along the foothills and has 
maximum width in the Lalkuan-Haldwani area. The width 
decreases considerably west of Phika Nadi and east of Kailash 
Nadi. Discrete active alluvial fans also exist near Lalkuan- 
Haldwani (Gola River Fan), Kaladhungi, Chorgalia and 
Tanakpur. This zone of upper piedmont alluvial plain, 
especially active alluvial fans, mainly consists of highly porous 
and permeable coarse-grained arenaceous unconsolidated 
sediments (fanglomerates). The highly porous and permeable 
nature of these sediments present in this zone is indicated 
through various criteria — (i) presence of losing streams/rivers, 
(ii) presence of braided channels, (iii) lithologs of shallow 
exploratory bore wells of CGWB, (iv) deep ground water table 
and (v) deep resistivity soundings. 
The coarse clastics constituting this zone grade laterally into 
finer clastics/argillaceous sediments towards south, where they 
form lower piedmont plain, also called as Terai belt. This zone 
acts as recharge as wells as discharge zone. Due to the finer 
nature of sediments present in this zone, the ground water 
recharging is restricted to only shallow aquifers and remote 
possibilities exist in this zone towards recharging of deeper 
aquifers. The interbedded sand-clay sequences having good 
recharge from the upper piedmont alluvial plain lying in the 
north cause artesian conditions to develop in the shallow 
aquifers. Other fluvial geomorphic units and landforms 
interpreted from the satellite imagery also can recharge the 
shallow aquifers only. 
Based on the integration of the information derived from the 
interpretation of satellite imagery and from the existing 
subsurface lithological and structural data, favorable areas have 
been delineated for conducting detailed ground-based surveys 
for ground water development in deeper aquifers. The criteria 
adopted for selection of these favorable areas are — (i) tectonic 
depression (sag) in Upper and/or Middle Siwaliks, (ii) presence 
of discrete alluvial fans and upper piedmont alluvial plain with 
coarse grained unconsolidated sediments having good recharge 
potential for deeper aquifers, (iii) presence and criss-crossing of 
lineaments cutting across different geological formations of the 
FFB and MHB in the north and continuing in the GB lying in 
the south, (iv) presence of thick sand channel up to 1400 m 
depth near Bazpur (existing information), etc. The deep 
borehole data at Puranpur, Tilhar and Shahjahanpur also 
suggest higher formation pore water pressure in the 
Upper/Middle Siwaliks (CGWB, 1998). In addition, favorable 
zones for ground water development in shallow aquifers have 
also been mapped. 
The detailed ground-based hydrogeological and geophysical 
surveys followed by exploratory drilling are recommended in 
these favorable areas, especially to explore the possibility of 
tapping the deep aquifers and also to ascertain the long- 
sustainability of these aquifers with minimum energy 
CGWRB, 1998. Delineation of deep fresh water artesian aquifers 
in Ganga basin. Unpublished Report of Central Ground water 
Board, Northern Region, Lucknow, India. 
Ghosh, R.N., Das, S.R., Mazumdar, S., Sarkar, K. and 
Bhattacharya, A., 1989. Geomorphology of the Himalaya. GSI 
Spl. Publication No. 26, pp. 143-162. 
Kumar, G., Roy, S.S. and Ray K.K., 1989. Structure and 
tectonics of the Himalaya. GSI Spl. Publication No. 26, pp. 85- 
Valdiya, K.S., 1980. Geology of the Kumaon Lesser Himalaya. 
Published by Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehra 
Dun, India. 
Valdiya, K.S., 1988. Geology and natural Environment of 
Naini Tal Hills, Kumaon Himalaya, Gyanodaya Prakashan, 
Naini Tal, India. 
Raiverman, V., Kunte, S.V. and Mukherjee, A., 1983. Basin 
geometry, Cenozoic sedimentation and hydrocarbon prospects 
in North western Himalaya and the Indo-Gangetic plains. 
Petroleum Asia Journal, Nov. 1983, pp. 67-92. 
Rupke, J., 1974. Stratigraphic and structural evolution of the 
Kumaon Lesser Himalaya. Sedimentary Geology, 11, pp. 81-26. 
The authors are grateful to the Director, RSAC-UP, Lucknow 
and Chairman, CGWB for providing logistic support and 
encouragement to carry out this study and also to present the 
results in the ISPRS Symposium. SKS is also thankful to the 
Dean, IIRS, Dehra Dun and Director, NRSA, Hyderabad for 
their cooperation and support. Thanks are also due to Dr. B.C. 
Joshi and Dr. J.N. Rai, Scientists of CGWB-NR, and Shri D. 
Misra, Scientist, RSAC-UP for fruitful discussions and 
suggestions. Thanks to Dr. D.J. Paul for his help. Cartographic 
support by the Cartography Section of RSAC-UP is 

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