IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002
The sampling sites for calibrating the LSTs derived from
AVHRR data (with ground data measuring 1.25m height) are
different from Gujarat Agricultural University (GAU) agro-
meteorological stations in Gujarat.
2.2 Data Sets
A 1 km LAC (Local Area Coverage) data of afternoon over
pass (2.00 to 2.30 A.M) were taken from the AVHRR on the
NOAA-14 operational sun-synchronous polar orbiting satellite.
Our study was carried out particularly in the rabi season
covering five dates in December 98 to April 99. AVHRR-LAC
images were acquired approximately during mid of every
month (i.e 15 December 1998, 15 January 1999, 18 February
1999, 17 March 1999 and 14 April 1999) while taking into
account least count contamination.
Surface weather data (soil temperature at 5, 10 and 20 cm
depths and ambient air temperature) measured around 14.30h
IST at different agro-meteorological station of GAU were used
for validation in corresponding to afternoon satellite overpass
on each dates.
3.1 Preprocessing of Datasets
The AVHRR images at level 1B were pre-processed for data
conversion and geometric correction. The brightness
temperatures of AVHRR channels 4 and 5 (T4, T5) were
derived using the on board coefficients. For the determination
of reflectance in channels 1 (pl) and (p2) the post launch
coefficients (Rao and Chen, 1996) were used. Cloud screening
was performed using channel 1 reflectance (pl) less than 0.15
and channel 4 greater than 273 K as an indicator of the absence
of clouds (Czajkowshi er al. 1997).
3.2 Processing of satellite ground combined data sets
After the cloud screening NDVI images of each dates were
generated using the following typical equation,
NDVI = (p2-p1) / (p2+p1)......(1)
Where pl and p2 are visible and near infra-red reflectance in
channel 1 and channel 2, respectively.
Land surface temperatures (LST) was derived from split
window equation including the emissivity (E) correction based
on NDVI.
LST = T4 + 2.63* (T4 - T5) + 1.274 + (T4 + T5) / 2 *
(0.156+3.98* (T4 - TS) / (T4 + T5))*(1-e)/ e…(2)
Where surface emissivity (E) is based on the following
equation (Van de Griend and Owe.1993).
Emissivity (E) = 1.0094 + 0.043 In(NDVI + 0.2) ...(3)
In the above equation 0.2 is added to NDVI to account roughly
for the atmospheric effect.
Least square regression analysis were attempted involving LST
as dependent and NDVI as independent variable for old
eighteen districts of Gujarat. A regression analysis was also
done to relate average LST of 9 x 9 pixel window surrounding
selected agro-meteorological stations with ground observed
4.1 LST-NDVI Relationship
.It has been established fact that regional differences in
vegetation activity and soil moisture often leads to vary the
relationship between LST and NDVI (i.e the slope of LST
versus NDVI, now referred to as TVX after Prihodiko and
Goward, 1997). As a result, it was thought worthwhile to
evaluate trends in LST versus NDVI relationships with respect
to changes through the entire rabi growing season (December
through April) for Gujarat state having large agro-climatic
variability. The results from the regression of LST on NDVI at
district level, for each separate day of satellite over pass are
summarized in table 1. The R? values were also significantly
different from zero at the 95 per cent confidence level and
ranged from 0.62 to 0.99, except for Valsad and Bharuch
district on 18" February due to high cloud coverage which was
not removed with particular cloud screening threshold
Table 1 also revealed that a strong negative relation exists
between mean NDVI and land surface temperature, for all
districts on each day of satellite over pass. The slope of
regressions were variable among districts and over different
dates of satellite over pass ranging from -20.5 to —64.5.
Districts with a low irrigation infrastructure, such as Amreli,
Rajkot and Bhavnagar and Ahmedabad has higher negative
slopes in comparison with Kheda, Bhaunch and Vadodara
districts with better irrigation facilities. Districts with similar
regression slopes generally were not spatially clustered,
although there was a tendency for districts in central and South-
West of Gujarat to have similar slopes. However, all districts
showed increasing trend in slope of regression towards end of
maturity compared to early growth stages (i.e December and
January). The results presented also have implications for using
LST-NDVI relationship to evaluate place to place differences in
negative stress or variation in evaporation fluxes.
4.2 Steepness and Scatterogram of LST-NDVI relationship
Typical examples of LST-NDVI scatter plots are given in
figure 1 and figure 2, for better examination of LST-NDVI
scatterogram with respect to site differences and progress of
phenology during rabi crop growing season. These scatterplots
revealed that all the relationships are linear which was
consistent with the results obtained for other locations by
Goward et al, 1985; Nemani and Running, 1989; Gupta et al,
1997). The scatterogram for typical districts (figure 1) revealed