Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
count roughly Table : 1 Slope and coefficient of determination (CD) for surface temperature verses NDVI relationship 
District 15" December, 15" January, 18" February, 17^ March, 1999 | 14" April, 1999 
: 1998 1999 1999 
wolving LST Slope CD Slope CD | Slope CD Slope CD | Slope CD 
able for old f 
/Sis was also BHUJ -21.545 | 0.94 -28.222 (095 | -33.754 1098 -34.309 0.97 | -36.741 | 0.97 
N AHMEDABAD -26.83 | 0.95 -45.463 | 0.98 | -44.472 | 097 | -63:081 | 0.97 | -49.407 | 0.96 
ind observe 
VALSAD 22.00 0.78 -21.553 | 0.72 | -11.686 | 0.28 -44.647 0.99 | -50.688 | 0.94 
BANASKANTHA -21.09 0.80 -28.872 | 0.94 | -34.585 | 0.99 -36.236 0.96 | -51.843 | 0.98 
BHAVNAGAR -27.95 0.77 -34.275 | 0.90 | -49.631 | 0.92 -57.791 0.96 | -60.476 | 0.96 
DANG -23.298 | 0.78 -21.27 0.44 | -38.9 0.92 -42.631 0.95 | -43.697 | 0.85 
fferences in SURAT -29.541 | 0.62 -27.817 | 0.76 | -11.242 | 0.47 -36.121 0.88 | -46.562 | 0.93 
to vary the 
ope of LST BHARUCH -21.451 | 0.82 -26.727 | 0.78 | -29.814 | 0.72 -34.21 0.81 | -41.261 | 0.98 
are and VADODARA -26.541 | 0.97 23,352 11072 |-26651 1095 1.36.77 0.87 | -43.446 | 0.98 
orthwhile to 
with respect PANCHMAHAL -25.67 0.94 -20.347 | 0.73 | -29.013 | 0.98 -47.768 0.92 | -49.556 | 0.96 
1 (December KHEDA -23.46 | 0.91 -22.714 | 0.93 | -31.236 | 0.94 | -35.978 0.96 | -45.611 | 0.98 
"on NDVI at SABARKANTHA -22.054 | 0.96 -20.798 | 0.94 | -22.812 | 0.96 -46.184 0.98 | -43.591 | 0.90 
vegas aw MEHSANA -28.068 | 0.95 225.437 | 0.89 | -38.859 | 0.98 | -37.598 | 0.84 | -56.206 | 0.96 
ce level and JAMNAGAR -29.23 0.90 -33.214 | 0.94 | -40.444 | 0.99 -36.855 0.85 | -41.865 | 0.93 
ae SURENDRA NAGAR | -22.819 | 0.85 -32.094 | 0.95 | -34.88 0.95 -38.465 0.93 | -44.885 | 0.81 
old AMRELI -40.88 0.97 -41.834 | 0.99 | -47.975 | 0.99 -64.479 0.95 | -60.612 | 0.70 
lation exists RAJKOT -26.551 | 0.90 -36.2 0.98 | -43.811 | 0.99 -46.94 0.86 | -54.407 | 0.90 
ture, for all JUNAGADH -22.374 | 0.82 -27.511 | 0.98 | -40.377 | 0.90 -39.007 0.93: 1:-50.323 {0.98 
he slope of 
ver different (Kheda) o o seni 
S to —64.5. (slope = -24.545) | m. (slope = -37.061) 
1 as Amreli, 
1er negative ge Za 
d Vadodara E RR. 
with similar E 
/ clustered, 10 4 
1 and South- 3 hp 
all districts 0 01 02 03 04 05 0 01 02 03 04 05 
yards end of f NOM NDVI 
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scatterplots so 
which was 
cations by 
Gupta et al, 
1) revealed 

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