)VI for
n., 1999,
found that
dates over
the NDVI
spread of
ss of crop
catter was
f rabi crop
es derived
rements of
IST from
f satellite
| to obtain
ion model.
d. satellite
. A good
>d surface
urface soil
| matching
1.77C, 02
| Godhara,
ed surface
perature is
tations for
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
the comparison of the AVHRR derived average 9 x 9
window surface temperature (14.30 to ISI) with mid day
surface air temperature for thè different stations over all the
dates of satellite overpass. The correlation between ground
estimates of near surface air temperature and satellite-derived
temperature is 0.853. Greater scatter was noticed during
early growth stages (December 15, January 15 ) compared to
late growth stages (March 17 , April 14) crop season.
G 55
y (r = 0.85) > à Early (bias = 1.92)
$50 °, © * late (bias = -5.5)
Ë 45 +
E 40 eo Nt S
= o9 s es
2735 >
tx. Aa 4,
a 25 d y t T T y
Corian 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Retrieved surface temperature (°C)
Figure 3: A scatterplot between observed mid -day air temperature
and satellite retrieved surface temperature during early and
late rabi growing season
The bias (February, March & April) (mean difference
between satellite derived surface temperature and ground
estimates of air temperature averaged overall observations)
associated with early and late phase of rabi season is 1.92°C
and —5.5°C, respectively. The results thus confirm that mid
day surface air temperature is easier to model in a period of
good vegetation cover when extreme temperatures are not
present and no important hydric deficit exists. This is
preliminary investigation of near surface air temperature
mapping. A future endeavor will be to analyze the temporal
series of temperature/vegetation index at full canopy cover
for improved estimates of near surface air temperatures in a
regional scale.
In the present study an attempt has been made to
investigate slope of LST. NDVI relationship for different
districts of Gujarat state and over five dates covering entire
rabi growing season. The results shows that a strong dynamic
negative correlation exists between LST and NDVI with
greater steepness of slope (LST/NDVI) during mid growth
stages (peak vegetative period). While validating retrieved
surface temperature with ground estimates of mid day
surface soil temperature and near surface air temperature was
observed that retrieved surface temperature has good
agreement with surface
soil temperature for four dates and with near surface air
temperature during peak vegetative period (i.e January).
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te es