Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India,2002 cem 
Gypsum Sand | 3981 808] 0124 129.1 : 
| Sample | | | | | » Useful for calibration of airborne/ spacebourne/ ground 
[silica sand — | 479, 7766 6| 0.161077 | remote sensing sensors and for generating spectral indices : 
k Sample | | | | for classification and identification of terrain surfaces. 10. Si 
"Dry Silt Sample |. 255] 651 -043| 039| Wi ; 11. W 
[Wet Silt Sample rj - 88 | 284 4 | | 052) | 031 | » Flexibility in incorporating any two spectral bands in the 
| Soil Sample | 5 | ASI i$ | 061 0.23 | range from 400 nm to 1800 nm. DE 
| Soil Sample | 8.8 | 20 | -0.38 | 0.44 | ; : 12.1 
E Sample) ; "HE 88 ug 7395 | To 35 | 047 > Small size, easy to operate, portable, field instrument. 
| Disked Bare Soil ko5103 C91 36 |. -0. 55 | 028 | » Data storage in Data logger. 12.2 
| Dry Clay Soil 18 | 52 1 190.485] | 0.34 
, Sample | | | od >  Radiometrically calibrated output in the radiometric 12.3 
| Wet Clay Soil | 9.5 | 17.6 | -029 |. 054 quantity, spectral radiance (mw/cm^2-sr-p). 
x A 1 9- | | | | Table 
| Dry Lake Soil | 23 | 32.3 1.5:046.4-.0.71 | » Software for offset and temperature corrections and for 
| Sample | computation of ratio indices and normalized difference 
Chilean Nitrate 37 | 45.7 -0.10 0.81 indices. 
| Soil Sample | | 
| Salt Pool Soil |. 59 689 | -0.07 | 0.85 » Low cost. Fünct 
| Sample | | | Figur 
Dry Sandy Soil |. 20.5] 461] -038 | 044 Indivi 
| Sample | 4. SPECIFICATIONS Comm 
[e ndySoillqc $71. 171 0321 551 erm 
| Sample _ En ioc er RE The specifications of the instrument are given in Table 3. men 
avons 11 851 184 -0361,046 am a 
| Rhyolite Tuff | 38 83.1 -0.37 | 0.45 Forms 
Ee UY | | 1. Total-field-of-view (Degree): 15 diner 
now | 
| Typical Snow | 99 4.6 0.91 | 21.52 2. Spectral bands: Flexibility to incorporate any two bands in 
| Sample the spectral range from 400 nm to 1800 nm. 
| Typical Snow 994] 54 3.1.:5.:..0,90 1 21.06 The existing model has bands as follows 
| Sample | eee | : m 
| Fresh Snow | 99 | 881 083 1125 Band number Central wavelength Band width | 
| Sample | | | (nm) (nm) | 
| 1W | i : . | 
| NOD C 96 | 2 | 0.95 | 48.00 1 550. 40, | 
| Clouds | A | 
L Hoarfrost Sample | 63 a9 n | 011 |. 120 3. Band output: Two analog outputs go to data 
| Dense Ice Cloud | 78 | 75.8 | 0.01 1.02 logger parallel. 
| Sample DEL. e | 
| Middle Layer | 72 45.1 | 0.23 1.59 4. Data Processing Software: A special software is designed to 
| Clouds | | process the data with offset correction and temperature 
correction and computation of spectral indices viz. Ratio 
Table 1. Typical values of spectral reflectance, ratio index and Index and Normalized Difference Index. 
normalized difference index for natural terrain surfaces and Through RS 232 Interface, Data can be transferred from Data 
samples. Logger to a Personal Computer. | 
The software would run on any IBM compatible machine. | 
TERRAIN RATIO INDEX S. Dynamic Range: | 
Vegetation 0.16 0.46 1.41 Band Minimum Maximum En 
Rocks and 0.11 0.58 1.29 Spectral Radiance ^ Spectral Radiance 
Soils (mw-cm”"2-sr-p) (mw-cm^2-sr-|A) 
Clouds 1.02 1.29 1.50 
Snow 1125 25.45 48.00 Bl 0.01 85.00 
B2 0.001 20.000 
Table 2. Estimated range of values of ratio indices for terrain The 
surfaces on the basis of available measured data presented in | 6. Non linearity (%): xd 
Table 1. Spec 
7. Absolute calibration + 9.6 sed 
accuracy (96): ( m 
8. Temperature coefficient 0.6 (Corrected with software) ti 
of spectral radiance (%/deg c): 
9. Power requirement: 

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