Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002 
on. The compound value of each sub basin was calculated 
based on the sum of all ranks division with the total number of 
parameters considered. The prioritization of sub basins was 
made based on the compound value. The lowest compound 
value is the highest priority, next lower value is the next 
priority and so on. The sub basins of 2 and 1 are ranked with 1 
and 2, whereas sub basins 11 and 9 are ranked with 18 and 19 
Estimated potential soil loss based approach: The areal 
extent of potential erosion under different erosion classes at sub 
basin level was carried out. The sub basins at higher elevations 
are noticed under severe to extremely severe soil erosion 
classes. The sub basins of 10,11 and 19 are mainly under slight 
to moderate potential erosion conditions. The analysis of 
quantum of potential soil loss in the whole basin reveals that 
out of the total quantum of soil loss nearly 67.10 per cent is 
only due to extremely severe soil erosion. Based on the 
compound values, the sub basins of 17 and 1 are ranked with 1 
and 2 whereas the sub basins 10 and 11 are ranked with 18 and 
19 (Table.1). 
Estimated Actual soil loss based approach: The areal extent 
of actual soil erosion under different erosion classes was 
worked out at sub basin level. The area analysis reveals that 
nearly 21.77, 22.71 and 17.21 per cent of the area is under 
extremely severe, very slight and slight erosion classes 
respectively. The area analysis of quantum of actual soil loss 
shows that the area under extremely potential soil loss reduced 
significantly because of the influence of cover and management 
factors. Based on the compound values, the sub basins of 1 and 
17 are ranked with 1 and 2, whereas sub basins 10 and 11 are 
ranked with 18 and 19 (Table.1). However, the ranks of sub 
basin 12 is remained same in all the three cases. 
Table.1: Prioritization of sub basins based on morphometric, 
estimated Potential and Actual soil loss compound 
Sbn Mcp Mp | Pcp Psp Acp Asp 
1 | 3428 2 |5836| 2 |4766| 1 
2. | 2142 1 | Soil 7142051 À 
3. {12.0280 42. 133,95 |. 11 (28:01 {40 
4 | 6.571 5] 530.80 1. 71 40.84.16 
5 8.714 54.22 44.04 
Goud 14.005 0. 15. |.28 89.| 13 |. 2334; 12 
7: li24223]-13]33s0| 12:1 2590] 11 
ael S571 4 1436] 9 013136 |.^8 
9..-[417:423 1-19 |-21.58 | 12: | 1882 1.15 
102112714] 77171 39721 718 | 652 | 18 
11” 1138571 15° 803 | 19 170 | 19 
2.013.142). . 16.1 16867 19 | 12209 | 16 
13 |10.428| 11 | 39.09 | 10 | 3084 | 9 
14 |10428| 10 | 52339 39.80 | 7 
15 | 10.000 8 | 5419 [5 17.86 | 13 
16 |10.285 2143 14" y oi | 14 
17 | 5.142 70:43 back 45:30 
18 | 8.714 715078). 9 |4244| 5 
19.112.571 14 11179 |. 17. | 714.4 ‘17 
*Sbn = Sub basin no; Mcp - Morphometric compound 
parameter; Mp = Morphometric priority; Pcp = Potential soil 
loss compound parameter; Psp = Potential soil loss priority; 
Acp = Actual soil loss compound parameter; Asp = Actual soil 
loss priority. 
Erosion Susceptibility Zoning at Sub basins level 
The erosion susceptibility zone map has been generated based 
on the ranks of estimated actual soil loss parameters of sub 
basins (Fig.2). The sub basins of 1,5 and 17 are prioritized 
Vena Basin 
Erosion Susceptibility Zones 
(Sub basins Prioritization) 
Sub basin Priority 
EH Extremely severe 
Very severe 
LL Severe 
[77] Moderately severe 
[CJ Moderate 
[J slight 
Very slight 
[J Unclassified area 
BER Water bodies 
—— Sub-basins 
———  Metalled Road 
National Highway 
— Railway line 
Fig.2. Erosion Susceptibility Zones (Priority sub basins). 
under extremely severe soil loss basins based on the quantum of 
estimated actual soil loss. These sub basins consist of very 
steep slopes, very high drainage density, stream frequency, 
texture ratio and lowest form factor. The sub basins numbered 
2, 18 and 4 are classified under very severe soil loss priority 
basins. These sub basins consist of steep to very steep slopes, 
very high drainage density, stream frequency, texture ratio and 
lowest form factor. The sub basins of 14, 8 and 13 are classified 
under severe soil loss priority basins. These sub basins consists 
of gentle to steep slopes, high drainage density, stream 
frequency, texture ratio, lowest form factor and elongation 
ratio. The sub basins of 3, 7 and 6 are grouped under 
moderately severe soil loss priority basins, which are consist of 
gentle to steep slopes, moderate drainage density, stream 
frequency, texture ratio, lowest form factor and elongation 
ratio. The sub basins of 15, 16 and 9 are classified under 
moderate soil loss and are consist of moderate to gentle slopes, 
moderate drainage density, stream frequency, high texture ratio, 
lowest form factor and circulatory ratio. The sub basins of 12, 
19 and 10 are classified under slight soil loss priority and are 
associated with level slopes, low drainage density and stream 
frequency. The sub basin of 11 is classified under very slight 
soil loss. 
Evaluation of Conservation Measures for Landscape 
The multi-criteria overlay analysis was performed in GIS taken 
into consideration the weighted potential erosion, slope, soil 
depth, texture and land use/land cover layers as input to find out 
the priority areas to suggest appropriate soil conservation 
measures. In the final composite map based on the range of

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