Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
Table.2. Suggested soil conservation measures at identified unit level for landscape management. 
Soil % Potential Slope Soil depth Texture Land use/Land cover Suggested 
conserva- | Area Erosion (in %) soil 
tion units conservation 
C9 0.16 Extremely Very steep Very shallow Gravelly Open forest, fallow 152,576; 14 
severe, (>30) to shallow sandy clay lands and waste lands and 15 
loam, sandy 
clay loam 
C8 6.78 Extremely Very steep Very shallow | Sandy clay Open forest, scrub, 14 
severe (>30) to steep to shallow loam, clay lands and waste lands and 15 
(15-30) loam 
C7 14.47 | Extremely Steep (15-30) Very shallow | Sandy loam, | Open forest, scrub 1 2 enr 05 de» 
severe to to strongly to shallow clay loam lands, forest lands and | 14 and 15 
very severe | sloping single cropped area 
C6 15.38 | Very Moderate Very shallow Clay loam Open forest, scrub 3. 6, 9, 1O, 12, 
severe to (5-10) to moderately lands, forest lands and 13, 14 and 16 
severe shallow single cropped area 
Cs 8.91 Severe to Moderate Very shallow Clay loam Fallow lands, 3,6,9,13,14,15 
moderately (5-10) to gentle | to moderately wastelands and open and 16 
severe (3-5) shallow forest 
C4 15.22 | Moderate Gentle (3-5) to Very shallow Clay loam, Fallow, wastelands, 3,6,9,13,14,15 
to very gentle to moderately | clay single cropped area and 16 
moderately (1-3) deep 
C3 18.55 | Moderate Very gentle Shallow to Clay Wastelands, single 8,9,10,12,13, 
to slight (1-3) moderately cropped area 14,15 and16 
C2 17.17 | Moderate Very gentle Moderately Clay Single cropped, double | 8,9,10,12,13, 
to slight (1-3) to level to shallow to cropped area and 14,15 and16 
nearly level (0- Very deep waste lands 
CI 3.36 Slight Level to nearly Deep to Very | Clay Single cropped and 8,9,10,12 and 
level (0-1) deep double cropped area 13 
*Note: (a) : Mechanical measures: 1. Graded trenching, 2. Gully control structures (permanent and/or temporary), 3. Graded 
bunding (field and/or graded), 4. Land leveling, 5. Diversing drainage channels, 6. Grass waterways and 7. Trenching. 
(b) : Biological measures: 8. Mulching, 9. Strip cropping, 10. Vegetative barriers, 11. Gully plugging with vegetative 
measures, 12. Intercropping, 13. Cover crops, 14. Afforestation with locally adoptive multipurpose tree species (MPTS), 
15. Silvipasture and 16. Horticulture: Citrus, Custard apple, Ber, Guava etc. 
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