JAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
Table 3 Salient physical and chemical characteristics of soils
Horizon Depth Sand | Silt Clay pH EC Org. CaCO; CEC B.S. ESP
(cm) (96) (96) (96) 1:2.5 1:2.5 C. (95) Cmol (96)
soil:water | soil:water (96) (+) Kg!
ied, dark dS m‘
1 soils on Pedon 1 - (Hills & rediges) Mangli-1 series: Clayey-skeletal, smectite, hyperthermic Typic Ustorthents
idges and A 0-12 350 | 23.5 41.5 7.5 0.05 0.71 - 52.2 91 0.8
1 10-15% C 12-30 36.0 | 23.0 41.0 77 0.08 0.56 - 57.4 97 0.9
id slight Pedon-2 (Upper pediment) Mangli-2 series: Clayey, smectite, hyperthermic Typic Haplustepts
A 0-15 28.0 1.24.5 50.5 dal 0.07 0.46 - 48.4 99 0.8
led, dark Bw 15-35 36.5 14.5 49.0 7.4 0.34 0.29 - 60.3 99 0.7
ı strongly Pedon-3 (Lower pediments) Mangli-3 series: Clayey, smectitic (calcareous) hyperthermic Typic Ustorthents
ges and Ap 0-14 10.5 25S 64.0 8.3 0.12 0.16 8.5 69.7 96 0:9
1 25-3390 ACK 14-31 28.2 | 265 | 450 8.2 0.13 0.24 21.4 45.5 99 0.9
moderate Pedon-4 (Upper Alluvial plain) Mangli-4 series: Clayey, smectite (calcareous) hyperthermic Typic Ustorthents
LE Ap 0-13 42.5 17.3 40.0 8.4 0.08 0.41 10.4 43.5 92 1.1
k brown AC 13-23 | 470 | 200 | 330 8.2 0.08 046 | 166 42.5 99 14
genily 3e Pedon-5 (Upper Alluvial plain) Mangli-5 series: Very fine, smectite (calcareous), hyperthermic Sodic Haplusterts
ent ^ wir Ap 0-14 95 |220 | 685 8.7 0.15 0.45 112 56.7 91 7.4
A Bw 14-40 10.0 | 21.0 | 69.0 9.0 0.18 0.33 9.8 55.8 89 17.7
Bou] Bssl 40-70 9.0 16.5 74.5 20 0.33 0.33 9.1 59.3 92 28.3
gently. to Bss2 70-105 2.9 18.0 79.1 9.0 0.61 0.21 6.8 HS 97 35.7
ent will Bss3 105-1354 2.2 15.0 82.8 8.8 0.92 0.12 6.8 74.5 97 34.6
1 dovere Pedon-6 (Lower Alluvial plain) Mangli-6 series: Very fine, smectite (calcareous), hyperthermic Typic Haplusterts
Ap 0-16 11.5 17.5 71.0 8.2 0.15 0.43 7.3 68.5 98 2.0
k brown Bw 16-35 12.5 15.5 72.0 8.2 0.13 0.17 11.7 70.2 97 2.1
gently to Bss 35-904 13.0 13.0 74.0 8.1 0.12 0.16 10.9 74.9 94 1.9
ent with
, Severe
grayish | Five land irrigability classes viz. 3d, 3s, 3sd, 4t and 6t have 3.4 Soil-site suitability
n nearly been identified in the village (Fig. 5). The study revealed that
h clayey 91 percent of total area is suitable for irrigation with moderate It is well established that each plant species require specific soil
n to severe limitations under sustained use. and climatic conditions for its optimum growth. Soil suitability
n (10YR | evaluation is a pre-requisite for land use planning. It involves
sloping the assessment of land and soils for their potential for different
rface où uses involving matching the land qualities and requirements for
the land use. The soil-site suitability evaluation for cotton and
sh brown | sorghum has been worked out by matching the soil-site
dy level characteristics of each soil unit with the crop requirements at
Tracé ‘on different limitation levels (NBSS, 1994).
d slight 4 : : ;
The suitability map of cotton is shown in figure 6. The soils
ed, very | hills and ridges with escarpments (Mnl1cEedstl, Mn1cGe4st2)
» neatly and moderately sloping upper pediments (Mn2cDe3st1) are
alluvial unsuitable for cultivation (N) due to extremely shallow to very
% slope shallow soil depth, moderate stoniness, skeletal texture and
? steep slopes. Alternatively, these areas can be put under
—M 1 silvipasture/ afforestation with adoption of appropriate soil and
ied, very :
water conservation measures.
in nearly
ip The soils of very gently to gently sloping upper pediments
, (Mn2cBe2, Mn2cBe3stl) lower pediments (Mn3cAel) and
upper alluvial plains (Mn4cBe2, Mn5cAelnl) are marginally
suitable for both sorghum and cotton. The dominant limitation
affecting the suitability of these areas are shallow soil depth,
coarse fragments in the upper 50 cm soil depth, moderate
erosion, and relatively high exchangeable sodium percentage
rrigability (ESP) in soil. The soils of lower alluvial plains (Mn6cAel,
gable but C1 3d BE et BH Road MnócBe2) are the most productive soils of the village. They are
es from 1 [J] 3sd Bl Habitation moderately (S2) to highly suitable (S1) for cultivation of both
use under cotton and sorghum. These soils are deep to very deep,
based on moderately well drained and have high nutrient and water
tion. The Figure 5. Land irrigability map of Mangli village, Nagpur retention capacity.