JAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002
of sampling location in terms of soil moisture, size and surface
roughness. .
5.2 Ground truth collection
A ground truth data collection was done in synchronous with
the RADARSAT pass. The information gathered during ground
truth data collection consists of soil samples with the help
Figure 2. Instruments used for collecting soil samples.
auger and core sampler for the measurement of gravimetric soil
moisture, bulk density of the soil, field capacity of the soil and
wilting point of soil samples. Figure 2 shows the various
instruments used to collect soil samples. Along with soil
samples other associated field conditions have also been
recorded. Fresh weight of soil samples were noted and they
were oven dried for 24 hours at 105? C temperature. Figure 3
shows the soil samples in side the oven equipped with
Figure 3. Fresh soil samples inside the Oven.
The dried samples were weighed once again for dry weight.
With the help of fresh weight and dry weight for each of the
fields, gravimetric soil moisture has been calculated.
Gravimetric soil moisture was then converted to volumetric soil
moisture by multiplying the gravimetric soil moisture of a
sample with the bulk density of that sample. Bulk density was
calculated using a 100 cc of undisturbed soil sample taken with
the help of a core sampler.
5.3 Calculation of available water of soil samples
In this study available water refers to the difference of soil
moisture at field capacity and at wilting point. For this reason
field capacity and wilting point of all the soil samples have
been estimated with the help of pressure plate instrument
(Figure 4). This instrument was used to calculate the soil
moisture of all the samples at 1/3 bar pressure for field capacity
and at 15-bar pressure for wilting point
Figure 4. Pressure plate instrument used for the calculation of
available water in soil samples.
Conversion of soil moisture values into percentage of field
capacity was done using the following equation:
SM g ı/3bar = (SM oss * 100) / SM i555. (2)
where SM jy, — Soil moisture in percentage of field
SM ops = Observed soil moisture from field
SM 1/3bar = Soil moisture at field capacity
Soil moisture in percentage of available water has been
calculated by representing soil moisture in terms of (SM /3par —
SM 15bar), the difference of soil moisture at field capacity and at
wilting point. Following equation has been used for this
5.4 Radiometric calibration of RADARSAT-1 SAR
RADARSAT-1 SAR data supplied from CCRS includes the
scaling in terms of gain and offset, to ensure optimum
utilization of the available dynamic range. The scaling used can
vary for each scene, making it difficult to directly relate
information between scenes. Hence for any quantitative
analysis, it is necessary to convert the image data to calibrated
radar backscatter (Sigma naught). Due to this reason
RADARSAT-1 EL1 SAR data was radio metrically calibrated
using the Equation 3.
oo 10*log((DN? + offset)/gain)+10*log(sin (a) (3)
where | DN - Digital number of SAR image
À = local incidence angle
The header information was used for calculation of o, the local
incidence angle at each pixel. These conversions yielded a 32-
bit real image, which is radio metrically, calibrated. These
operations have been done using EASI/PACE image processing
5.5 Speckle suppression and data compression
After conversion of DN to 0°, Speckle suppression was carried
out using Enhanced Lee-filtering algorithm (Lee, 1986). Owing