Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring (A)

:The LS 
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figure 6. 
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, "Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002 Crop cover and management factor (CP ):The land 
use/land cover map of the watershed generated through 
interpretation of satellite data and subsequent ground truth was 
used to generate CP factor map of the watershed. The ‘C’ and 
‘P’ values used for different land utilization type were extracted 
from published literature (Gurmel Singh et al. 1981; Karad et 
al. 1991; Kurothe et al. 2001). The CP values for different land 
utilization type in the watershed have given in table 6 and CP 
factor map is show in figure 7. 
Figure 7 : CP value map of Nanda-Khairi watershed 
In the study area, the dominant crop cover under the 
single crop land is cotton, whereas in double crop land 
sorghum/soyabean is taken during Kharif followed by 
wheat/gram during Rabi season. Hence the C values for cotton 
and sorghum/soyabean were considered for assessment of soil 
loss under single and double crop land respectively. 
Since no prominent conservation measures such as 
contour bunding etc. are followed under forest and wastelands 
areas hence they were assigned P value 1. Under agricultural 
land the double crop land had very good bunding as compared 
to single crop and fallow land hence the P value of 0.3 was 
assigned to double crop land and 0.5 to single crop and fallow 
3.5.2 Mapping 
After estimating different USLE factors (R, K, LS, 
and CP) the total soil loss (A) is estimated by multiplying all 
the factors. Based on estimated soil loss (t/ha/yr), the area 
was grouped under different erosion classes viz. slight («5 
t/ha/yr), moderately slight (5-10 t/ha/yr), moderate (10-15 
t/ha/yr), moderately severe (15-20 t/ha/yr) severe (20-40 
Uha/fyr) and very severe (>40 t/ha/yr) (Kurothe ef al. 2001). 
The extent of area under different erosion class is shown 
in table 4 and the soil-erosion map is shown in figure 8. 
The perusal of data in table 4 indicates that 62 per cent area 
of the watershed in under slight erosion having soil loss 
less than St/ha/yr These areas as such require no special 
treatment for soil conservation as the soil loss from these areas 
are near the tolerable limit of 4.5 t/ha/yr (Mannering, 1981). 
Moderately slight (5-10 t/ha/yr) and moderate (10-15 t/ha/ yr) 
erosion category comprise about 28.1 per cent area. These areas 
require conservation practices such as proper field bunding and 
optimum vegetative cover to reduce the soil loss. The 
moderately severe and very severe erosion class comprises only 
7.5 per cent area of the total watershed. These areas need 
special soil conservation measures to check soil degradation 
depending upon the soil-site characteristics and land utilization 
C signtispnaiyr ) B Very severet>dûtharyr] 
BE Mod sighi(5-10bha/yr] Hatstation 
Moderate(10-15thayr) Bll Nala 
Mod severe! 15-20 har] 
Figure 8 : Erosion map of Nanda-Khairi watershed 
Table 4: Distribution of area under different erosion classes in 
Nanda-Khairi watershed 
S. | Erosion Soil loss ARS % TGA 
No. | class (t/ha/yr ) 
L Slight <5 1847.7 62.0 
2. Moderately 5-10 839.9 28.1 
3. Moderate 10-15 12.1 0.4 
4, Moderately 15-20 193.6 6.5 
6. Very severe | >40 28.5 1.0 
7. Others - 58.7 2.0 
Total . 2980.5 | 100 

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