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IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring”, Hyderabad, India, 2002 
The data presented in table 1 showed that the district is two 
kinds of geological formations (parenthesis % TGA) as granite 
(73%), basalt (24%) and their alluvium (3%). 
Physiographically (8, unit with subunits 15), as hilly terrain, 
hills with escarpments, hills with mesas and buttes (6%) 
residual hills (9%), undulating and intervening plateau (14%), 
plateau (24%), undulating plain with mesa, buttes, mounds 
(23%), plain land (dissected) (9%), plain with valley (7%) and 
flood plain (11%) are encountered because of variability in 
geological formation. The slope gradient gently sloping 1-3% 
slope (13%), moderately sloping 3-5% slope (63%), strongly 
sloping 5-8% slope (12%) and very strongly sloping 8-15% 
slope (12%). The soil erosion as moderate (70%), severe (24%) 
and very severe (6%) are highly correlated with slope gradient, 
land use and land cover. The soil drainage moderately well 
drained (21%), well drained (63%) and somewhat excessively 
drained (16%) are noticed because of landform variability. The 
taxonomically dominant soil order Entisols (21%), Inceptisols 
(59%) and Vertisols (20%) showed stable terrain in the district. 
The soil depth class as very shallow: «25cm (1796), shallow: 
25-50cm (3096), slightly deep: 50-75cm (16%), moderately 
deep: 75-100cm (4%) and deep: >100cm (33%) with surface 
texture loamy (80%) and clayey (20%) are noticed. The 
estimated AWC class as very low: <50 mm m‘ (14%), low: 
50-100 mm m™ (36%), moderate: 100-150 mm m" (32%) and 
high: 150-200 mm m' (1894) became of nature and comparison 
of clays. The soil reaction (pH) <6.5 (4%), pH 6.6-7.0 (37%), 
pH 7.0-7.5 (59%) became of dominance of basic nature of 
rock. The CEC cmol (^) kg! low: 12-24 (26%), moderate: 24- 
36 (28%) and high: 36-48 (46%). The organic carbon status 
Table 1. Soils parameters and area extent (% TGA) 
low: <0.25% (17%), moderate: 26-50% (34%) and high: 0.5- 
0.75% (49%). The clay mineralogy mixed (59%), 
montmorillonitic (39%) and kaolinitic (2%) are delineated. The 
available K status low: <150 ppm (6%), medium: 150-300 ppm 
(43%) and high: >300 ppm (51%) whereas nitrogen status low: 
<0.25% (34%), medium: 0.25 - 0.50% (38%) and high: >0.50% 
(28%) are noticed because of the variability of parent rock and 
climatic makeup of the area. The soil and land capability class 
subclass IIs, es, est (2875); IIIs, es, est (996); IVs, es, est (13%); 
VIs, es, est (30%); VIIs, es (3%); and VIIIs, es, est (1796) while 
soil and land irrigability subclass as 2s, es, est (3196); 3s, es, est 
(2776); 4s, es, est (15%); Sest (396) and 6est (24%) are highly 
correlated with present land use, land cover, soil and climatic 
features. The soil degradation units Wt 2.3 to 2.4 (994), Wt 2.5 
(45%), Wd 3.4 (5%), Wd 3.5 (13%) and Wd 4.5 (28%) are 
encountered becuse of complex terrain and loss of top soil and 
terrain deformation process actively operative in the area. The 
estimated length of growing period (LGP) 90-120 days (22%), 
120-150 days (13%), 150-180 days (39%), 180-210 days 
(15%); >210 days (11%) are estimated which are highly related 
to PE, PET and soil moisture status. The estimated productivity 
potentials as low (24%), medium (19%), and high (57%) are 
estimated and depicted because it resulted from variability in 
geological formation. All these were possible in short time 
because of use of advance tools like remotely sensed data base 
in association with GIS techniques. They have showed high 
accuracy which users wants (Fig.l, showed some of the 
selected themes for ready reference). 
The data presented in table 2 reveals that the soil suitability 
classes for arable and non-arable uses under set of climatic and 
Geology Granite (73%); Basalt (24%); Alluvium (3%) 
Physiography/ landform 
Hilly terrain/hills ridges (6%); Residual Hills (9%); plateau (24%); Undualting/intervening 
plateau (11%); Undulating plain/ with mesa, buttes, mound (23%); plain land-dissected (9%); 
Plain with valley (7%); Flood plain (11%). 
Slope gradient 1-3% slope (13%); 3-5% slope (63%); 5-8% slope (12%); 8-15% slope (12%) 
Erosion class Moderate (70%); Severe (24%); Very severe (6%) 
Drainage class Moderately well drained (21%); Well drained (63%); Somewhat excessively drained (16%) 
Soil Taxonomy (order) Entisols (21%); Inceptisols (59%); Vertisols (20%) 
Soil depth class Very shallow («25 cm) (17%); Shallow (25-50 cm) (3Q%); Slightly deep (50-75 cm) (16%); 
Moderately deep (75-100 cm) (4%); Deep (33%) 
Surface texture Loamy (80%); Clayey (20%) 
AWC class (mm m) 
Very low (550) (146); Low (50-100) (36%); Medium (100-150) (32%); High (150-200) (18%) 
Soil reaction (pH) 
pH <6.5 (4%); pH 6.6-7.0 (39%); pH 7.0-7.5 (59%) 
CEC (cmol(+)kg™) 
Low (12-24): (26%); Medium (24-36): (28%); High (36-48 ): (46%) 
Org.carbon (%) Low (<0.25%): (17%); Medium (0.26-0.50%): (34%); High (0.50-0.75%): (49%) 
Clay mineralogy Mixed (59%), Montmorillonitic (39%); Kaolinitic (2%) 
Available K status (ppm) Low (<150 ppm) (6%); Medium (150-300 ppm) (43%); High (>300 ppm) (51%) 
N status of soils Low (34%); Medium (38%); High (28%) 
class (s, es, est) 
Soil and land capability sub- | II (28%); III (9%); IV (13%); VI (30%); VII (3%); VIII (17%) 
subclass (s, es, est) 
Soil & land irrigability | 2 (31%); 3 (27%); 4 (15%); 5 (3%); 6 (24%) 
Soil degradation class 
*Wt 2.2-2.4 ((%); Wt 2.5 (45%); Wd 3.4 (5%); Wd 3.5 (13%); Wd 4.5 (28%) 
class (days) 
Length of growing period | 90-120 (22%); 120-150 (13%); 150-180 (39%); 180-210 (15%); >210 (11%) 
Productivity potential 
1¥ letter: (Kind)- W-water erosion; 
24 letter: (Type) t - loss of top soil and d: — terrain deformation. 
1% numerical (Degree)- (reduced agril.prod.%) 2.Moderate (10-25% 
Low (24%); Medium (19%); High (5796) 
), 3. Strong (25-50%), 4.Extreme ( 25094) 
2" numerical (Extent) (Affected area 7o):- 2. Common (5-1096); 3. Very common (10-2594); 
4. Frequent (25-50%);5. Dominant (250%). 

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