class membership
lasses, pixels and
nt (Í « m.« eo),
d |* | is the
a pixel X; and a
class membership
| membership are
ber of processing
lassify input data
ward multi-layer
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values. The units
^ trial and error
layer denote the
nit in a layer is
hese connections
1 is multiplied by
in the beginning)
euron nel, in the
. = the weight of
insformed by an
that neuron. The
ion is a sigmoid
a gain parameter.
the connections is
arning algorithms
used. Among the
lgorithm has been
his algorithm, an
of target (known)
| iteratively. The
nverges to some
ork output vector
propriate weights
work is assumed
ired accuracy, the
adjusted weights are used to determine the outputs of the entire
image. Sometimes, while determining the weights, a learning
rate and a momentum factor are also adopted. The network
outputs are called as activation levels. For fuzzy classification,
these activation levels are scaled to range from 0 to 1 for a pixel
to produce fuzzy outputs (Foody, 1996).
2.5 Knowledge Based (KB) System
KB system is used to classify remote sensing data on the basis
of knowledge acquired from the experts in the field. The
conventional way of representing the knowledge is to formulate
a set of rules in the form of If-Then-Else statements. A fuzzy
knowledge base consists of production of fuzzy rules (Tso and
Mather, 2001). For example, a rule for crisp classification may
be written as,
If DN value is between 100 and 250
Then the pixel is assigned to the class ‘vegetation’
Whereas, for fuzzy classification, a fuzzy rule may take the
form as,
If DN value in middle
Then the pixel is assigned to ‘vegetation’ with strength w.
where w = class membership value.
As is clear above representations of fuzzy methods that mixed
pixels are taken into account only in the allocation stage of
Conventionally, a supervised classification assumes that
training pixels are pure. However, it may be difficult to define a
training set of an appropriate size containing only pure pixels,
and therefore the urge to include mixed pixels. To incorporate
mixed pixels in training stage, actual class proportions of pixels
may have to be known beforehand from known data sets. The
training data statistics, such as mean and variance covariance,
may be weighted by actual proportions to generate fuzzy
statistical parameters (Wang, 1990). MLC to be implemented in
fully fuzzy mode utilizes this concept. In supervised version of
FCM algorithm, the mixed pixels are incorporated by default
due to the fuzzy c-partition matrix, which depends upon class
membership value of the mixed pixel. In order to include mixed
pixels in LMM, the model is first run in reverse mode by
inputting the class proportions of the mixed pixels to determine
the end member spectra, which is then input to LMM to run in
forward mode to determine class proportions of unclassified
mixed pixels. The concept is to rectify the class spectral
responses derived from a training set containing mixed pixels to
simulate the response that would have been derived from pure
pixels (Foody and Arora, 1996). For ANN classifier, the target
output of the pixels are assigned the actual proportions of the
classes instead of the code of the class, thus accounting for
mixed pixels in training stage.
The accuracy of the classification is assessed in the testing
stage. A typical strategy is to select a sample of testing pixels,
and matching their class allocation with the actual class on
IAPRS & SIS, Vol.34, Part 7, “Resource and Environmental Monitoring", Hyderabad, India, 2002
reference data. The pixels of agreement and disagreement are
summarized in an error matrix (Congalton, 1991), which is then
used to derive a range of accuracy measures such as overall
accuracy, producer’s and user’s accuracy, and kappa coefficient
etc. (Arora and Ghosh, 1998). These measures may be
appropriate when a pixel is associated with one class in the
classification and one class in reference data (i.e., the pure
pixels). Therefore, use of these measures to evaluate fuzzy
classifications may degrade the accuracy. This is primarily due
to the fact that in order to use these measures, the fuzzy
classification has to be hardened by specifying the pixel with
the class having the highest class membership to produce crisp
classification. Therefore, mixed pixels may have to be used in
the testing stage to derive alternative accuracy measures such as
entropy, Euclidean distance, cross-entropy and correlation
coefficient, each has its own merits and demerits.
Entropy shows how the strength of class membership in the
classification output is partitioned between the classes for each
pixel (Foody, 1995). The value of entropy is maximized when
the probability of class membership is partitioned evenly
between all the classes and minimized when it is associated
entirely with one class. This is, however, only appropriate for
situations in which the output of the classification is fuzzy
whereas the reference data are crisp. There may be ambiguity
present in the reference data as these are also often not error-
free, and may therefore be fuzzy. To accommodate fuzziness in
both the classification output and the reference data, measures
such as Euclidean and L1 distances (Foody and Arora, 1996),
and cross-entropy (Foody, 1995), which measure the closeness
between the two data sets may be used. A small value of these
measures indicates that the classification is accurate. To assess
the accuracy of individual classes of a fuzzy classification, a
correlation coefficient obtained from the two fuzzy outputs may
be used. The higher the correlation coefficient, higher is the
classification accuracy of a class. Recently, the concept of
fuzzy error matrix has also been put forth (Binaghi et al., 1999)
to assess the accuracy of fuzzy classification but its efficacy
needs to be explored.
Fuzzy classification methods are attractive for land cover
classifications from remote sensing data. Most of the studies
have focused on generation of fuzzy outputs and thus
considered the mixed pixels only in the allocation stage. When
the image contains abundance of mixed pixels (i.e. IRS Wifs),
their incorporation in training and testing stages of a
classification becomes mandatory in order to produce
appropriate land cover classifications.
Arora, M.K. and S.K. Ghosh, 1998. Classification accuracy
indices: definitions, comparisons and a brief review, Asian
Pacific Remote Sensing and GIS Journal, 10(2), pp. 1-9.
Bastin, L., 1997. Comparison of fuzzy c-mean classification,
linear mixture modelling and MLC probabilities as tools for
unmixing coarse pixels. International Journal of Remote
Sensing, 18, pp. 3629 — 3648.
Bezdek, J.C., R. Ehrlich, and W. Full, 1984. FCM: the fuzzy c-
means clustering algorithm, Computers and Geosciences, 10,
pp. 191-203.