Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

ul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
| From radio-frequency module 
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age, is | Le | d [o A | 
| Interface Interface Interface 
a B t, ALA 
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of the | cos Bp l/cos p 
current | C t^ A«7POR 
| dux 
| cos -cos B : : | 1 7] t 
nage in | r—1 Multiplier Arithmetic 
'izontal | amt Arithmetic 
| cos -cos B Y V-(t; -6)(-1) unit 
'elocity | N Thresholding, Inc t'(-1 ya 
fig. 2. | N-counter 
ational + > Multiplier 
O carry 
Multiplier D;,=D,,cosa-cosf 
met : 
V s SAV 1 Ve COS OQ. COS p Arithmetic Interface 
. = t 
—>| Multiplier cosorcos p Summator um 
ording V=V AV] R,=D; +[t.m+t,n]V 
rror is 
y time Summator 
'elocity on gl Nc cos a-cosB = (V dia 
xv pk T. z 
Va N > Division Shift 
N : (V 3 + (v > 1 : va cosa cos p = (Voir 
(V. da . (V ) = av/i av/i- 
cp/i 2 
At that Buffer register AU »| Multiplier Summator 
kV kV. V.,. cosa-cosf 
on the — ZONE = 
Multiplier Summator > Multiplier 
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es p A me) = kV. + EV. 
Arithmetic Mt 
+ V ot = 2(V aue); = CV aei 
V, Setting of Q Arithmetic 
m v. 0 7 unit 
for" I m 
(V din 
ions of »| Summator 
and A» : 
E * V = V (V e) 
(AV ia = [V = (V edilavuis 8 
nce of Frecuency correction 
and &». Summator kc factor 
At that determination 
59. As (V don 
sult of T X f 
ler that = 
of the Interface 
elocity 7 
ues of 
uration Figure 2. The block diagram of algorithms of distance and velocity determination. 

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