Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

. . . , 3 ~ | fo 53 A a o ELS r uod 
Nicolas Baghdadi', Noha Holah!, Pascale Dubois-Fernandez?, Laurent Prévot', Steven Hosford , André Chanzy', Xavier Dupuis”, Mehrez Zribi 
! French Geological Survey (BRGM), 3 avenue C. Guillemin, B.P. 6009, 45060 Orléans cedex 2, France, n.baghdadi@brgm.fr 
? ONERA, Base Aérienne 701, 13661 Salon AIR cedex, France 
3 INRA, Unité Climat Sol et Environnement, Domaine St Paul, 84914 Avignon cedex 9, France 
* CETP/CNRS, 10/12, avenue de l'Europe, 78140 Velizy, France 
Commission PS, WG 1/3 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, SAR, Soil, Land Cover, Land Use, Agriculture 
We investigated the potential of fully polarimetric data in X-band to discriminate the principal surface types present in a study site 
near Avignon in France: bare soils, agricultural fields, orchards (various fruits), forest, buildings, residential houses, and roads. 
Decomposition and analysis techniques have been applied to a data set acquired by the ONERA airborne RAMSES SAR. The 
discrimination potential of various polarimetric parameters (entropy, a -angle, anisotropy) have been discussed. Results show that 
X-band provides some discrimination capability. The polarimetric parameters, entropy and « -angle, show clearly that these 
classes’ signatures are grouped in five clusters corresponding to physical scattering characteristics. The introduction of the parameter 
anisotropy does not improve our ability to distinguish between different classes whose clusters are in the same entropy/ @ -angle 
zone. We observe a very weak correlation between the signal radar and the surface roughness over bare soils. 
A polarimetric SAR system measures the complete complex 
scattering matrix [S] of a medium with quad polarizations. This 
matrix is made up of the complex scattering coefficients Spy 
where p is the transmitting polarization and q the receiving 
polarization (p , q = H (Horizontal) or V (Vertical)). The 
polarimetric information of a target can be represented by a 
scattering coherency matrix [T] which can be calculated 
directly from the complex scattering vector as follows (Cloude 
and Pottier, 1996): 
(7) =(kp 45") 
Ets SHH -Syy 
where k, is the target vector of [S], the superscripts "T and 
<> denote respectively the complex conjugate, the matrix 
transpose, and spatial averaging over a group of neighbouring 
pixels using a sliding window. Coherency matrices are 
frequently processed for speckle reduction by averaging the 
pixels in a 5x5 window. 
Landcover classification using a fully polarimetric SAR image 
is one of the most important applications of radar polarimetry in 
remote sensing. Over the last few years, polarimetric data has 
been successfully used for various applications for example: the 
classification of sea ice, the derivation of land surface 
parameters (surface roughness and soil moisture), and the 
classification of trees according to age in a forest environment 
(Scheuchl et al., 2001; Hajnsek et al., 1999; Ferro-Famil and 
Pottier, 2001; etc.). However, the majority of these studies have 
been conducted using polarimetric data in P, L and C bands. In 
this paper, we have applied polarimetric processing techniques 
to SAR data in order to evaluate the potential of X-band. The 
overall objective of this study is to evaluate fully polarimetric 
information by analysing the separability between the different 
landcover classes present on the study site and thus derive the 
parameters that are of most use in their classification. 
Cloude and Pottier (1996) have proposed a polarimetric 
decomposition theorem based on the eigenvalue/eigenvector 
decomposition of the coherency matrix into elementary 
mechanisms (i.e. single, double and volume scattering) in order 
to identify the global mean scattering mechanism. The matrix 
[T] can be decomposed into its eigenvector basis using the 
following equation: 
3 s 
(r)- X vw 
where À; are the three eigenvalues of «[T]», real and non- 
negative À4;22522420. V; are the related orthogonal unitary 
eigenvectors. The eigenvectors are parameterised using 4 
angular variables leading to an interpretation of the scattering 
V; 2 (cosa; sina; cos f; e^ ^ sine; sin f; on] 
where a; , B; , 6; , and y; represent a set of four independent 
parameters characterising the fully polarised backscattered 
Using eigenvectors and eigenvalues, three main parameters are 
used to characterise the results of this decomposition: entropy 
(H), @ -angle, and anisotropy (A). The entropy H is defined 
from the logarithmic sum of eigenvalues of <[T]> and 
represents the random behaviour of the global scattering: 
where P; are t! 
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