Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
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where P; are the normalised eigenvalues : 
a Ci 
P = 
The entropy H is a measure of randomness of scattering 
mechanisms. Low entropy (H~0) indicates a single scattering 
mechanism (isotropic scattering) while high entropy (H~I) 
indicates a totally random mixture of scattering mechanisms 
with equal probability and hence a depolarizing target. 
The parameter a represents the mean dominant scattering 
mechanism and is calculated from the eigenvectors and 
eigenvalues of «[T]»: 
g=3 af 
where a; are the scattering mechanisms represented by the three 
eigenvectors. @ =0° indicates a surface scattering, a =45° a 
volume scattering, and @ =90° a double bounce scattering from 
metallic surfaces (dihedral scatter). 
The anisotropy A indicates the distribution of the two less 
significant eigenvalues: 
A = 
where À, and À, are the two lowest eigenvalues. 
It becomes 0 if both scattering mechanisms are of an equal 
proportion while values of A70 indicates increasing amounts of 
anisotropic scattering. 
Fully polarimetric X-band radar data were acquired by the 
airborne RAMSES SAR of the French Aerospace Research 
Center (ONERA) on March 20, 2002 over a study site near 
Avignon (south of France). A single swath of about 1.8 km 
width and 5.2 km long was acquired with incidence angles 
ranging from 13° to 36°. Image quality was excellent except for 
the range between 13° and 16° where blurring and banding 
were apparent. The SAR data were processed and calibrated at 
ONERA. The slant-range resolution and the azimuth resolution 
were 0.66 and 0.64 m, respectively. A segment of the SAR 
image used in this study is shown in Figure 1, which shows the 
polarization colour composite image. HH is displayed as red, 
HV as green, and VV as blue. 
The study site consist mainly of agricultural landscape. It 
includes agricultural areas, forest stands, houses, buildings, and 
roads. The agricultural areas are composed mainly of bare soils 
and wheat fields. But include orchards of various fruit trees, 
among them peach, pear and apricot. The forest area present in 
the image is mainly covered with pine and herbaceous. The 
buildings can be considered to be of three distinct types: 
houses, low building (1 - 2 floors) and high building (3 floors or 
more). In general, the buildings are characterised by their flat 
roofs (mostly composed of gravel or tar). During the SAR 
survey, four trihedrals and one dihedral were deployed. 
During the SAR survey, ground photographs and field surveys 
were conducted in order to facilitate the identification. of 
different surface types and to measure the characteristics of the 
agricultural areas. The ground truth measurements were carried 
out on wheat fields and on bare soils. Measurements of soil 
roughness were carried out on five bare soil fields (R1 to R5) 
using 2-m long needle profilometers of with 1-cm sampling 
intervals. Ten roughness profiles were established for each 
training field. From these measurements, the standard deviation 
of surface height (rms) were calculated. The soil moisture at 
field scale was assumed to be equal to the mean value estimated 
from 15 samples (per field) collected from the top 1 cm of soil 
using the gravimetric method. The surface roughness (rms) and 
soil moisture (mv) fall within the ranges: 0.80 cm<rms<2.40 cm 
and 8.6%<mv<22.2% (Table 1). At the time of the image 
acquisition, the fields R1 to R4 were freshly tilled whereas RS 
had been tilled several months before. The soil is composed of 
about 53.0% loam, 31.6% clay and 15.4% sand. 
Field | Incidence | Soil moisture | rms surface | Correlation 
ID angle (°) 0-1 cm (%) height (cm) | length (cm) 
RI 26.1 18.7 2.40+0.20 5.514165 
R2 26.3 20.0 1.64+0.20 4.43+1.21 
R3 26.5 21.0 1.28+0.15 3.34+0.64 
R4 26.6 22.2 0.85+0.15 3.04+0.98 
R5 31.7 8.6 0.80+0.22 6.42+1.99 
Table 1. Ground measurements study site Avignon. 
4.1 Image Interpretation 
A photo-interpretation of the composite image presented in 
Figure 1 shows that the difference in backscatter is pronounced 
between certain surface types. The bright signature is attributed 
to multiple bounce scattering (presence of buildings, houses, 
dihedral and trihedrals). Roads, on the other hand, are very 
smooth surfaces, and thus appear in a very dark tone on the 
image. Forests, wheat and fruit trees would seem to have very 
similar signatures on the imagery. Similarly, it is impossible to 
distinguish the various roughness states of the areas of bare soil 
which have a rms surface height between 0.85 and 2.4 cm 
(fields R1, R2, R3 and R4). 
High buildings 
Wheat Field 
Dihedral Low buildings 
Bare soil Apricot 
Bare soil (R5) 
Figure 1. Segment of the X-band RAMSES image. HH, HV and 
VV are respectively coded in red, green and blue. The incidence 
angles range from 25? on the left side of the image to 36? at the 
right side.

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