Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
(Ap - detector area, Toy, — transmission of the optics, t, — 
integration time, F —f-number, Ry — detector responsivity, L — 
radiation flux) with tin « tq. 
Once the detector is selected, Ap and Ry are given. L is also 
given as well as F and Topties When the optics is selected or 
designed taking into account the technological or mission 
constraints. AA is fixed in most cases, so that the only real 
variable part is the integration time ti. For a satellite in LEO, 
the satellite ground track velocity is about 7 km/s. In other 
words, the dwell time is 1 ms for a ground sample distance GSD 
of 7 m. For high resolution imagers with GSD of about 1 m, tin 
« ]/7 ms is too short for a sufficient good signal and SNR. 
uu m)! Qiu (0m) = 1/10 (6) 
Even more severe is the influence of the pixel field of view 
IFOV (1m)/ IFOV (10m) «1/100 (7) 
Taking both aspects into account, redusing the GSD by a factor 
of 107" causes a time related and geometry related decrease of 
energy at the detector of about 10°. 
There are two possibilities to overcome this obstacle: 
- use TDI technology with N stages in order to increase the 
signal N-fold and improve the SNR by the factor of JN 
(this technology is used e. g. in the IKONOS and QuickBird 
- use the so-called slow-down mode in order to decrease the 
ground track velocity of the line projection on the surface. 
with respect to the satellite velocity in order to obtain the 
necessary dwell time tq. 
18 + te 
= 14 
S 12 
Ew detector size x > d 
9 detector limited 
= 8 
2 4 detector < d 
> optics limited 
0 b 
0 2 4 6 8 10 
Airy disk parameter d as a function of the 
f-number F (470.55 um) 
Figure 7 
3.3 Mass, Volume, Power Consumption 
3.3.1 Microelectronics: Since the launch of Landsat-l in 
1972, the progress in  microelctronics enabled more 
sophisticated instrument designs. The developments for the 
MESUR Network Mission may serve as an example, how much 
microelectronics technology may influence the overall mission 
design. The MESUR (Mars Environmental Survey) Network 
Mission concept consisted of up to 16 small spacecraft (that 
time planned to be launched in 2001). As often in 
extraterrestrial missions, there was a pressure to miniaturization 
by need. Reference mission. was the MESUR Pathfinder 
Mission, one of the first missions under NASA's Discovery 
program of smaller, low-cost missions to be launched 1997. 
In [3] the benefits have been assessed which may occur when 
the electronics technology used in the MESUR Pathfinder 
mission is replaced by advanced microelectronics technology. 
“ The MESUR Network study team found out that advanced 
microelectronics packaging technologies could be applied to the 
implementation of subsystem functions for 
- the Attitude and Information Management System AIMS 
- the Radio Frequency Subsystem RF 
- the Power and Pyro Subsystem PP. 
As a result, a factor of three or better reduction in mass, volume, 
and power consumption were projected relative to the MESUR 
Pathfinder baseline (see table 8). 
The key to realize these reductions lies in the utilization of 
industry-based advanced microelectronics packaging 
technologies, including: 
- multichip module (MCM) technology 
-  three-dimensional MCM stacking 
- Die stacking for memory. 
Pathfinder | Network Net Fractional 
Reduction | Reduction 
Mass 47 kg 11 kg 36 kg 4.3 x 
Volume 46 dm’ 6.5 dm? 39.5 dm? 7.x 
Power 74 W 26 W 49 W 29x 
Table 8 Projected total reduction in mass, volume, and 
power consumption for MESUR Network in 
comparison to MESUR Pathfinder 
The leverage of these reductions to the spacecraft is obvious. 
The advanced microelectronics packaging technologies have 
been widely used for instance in a joint NASA/DLR study for 
the ROSETTA lander carrying among other cameras a stereo 
camera with 10 mm GSD [4] and in a joint DLR/NASA three- 
line stereo camera concept for planetary exploration [5]. The 
effects have been remarkable. The latter concept resulted for 
instance in very small stereo camera for a GSD of 20 m and a 
swath width of 250 km from an orbit altitude of 250 km, and 
with a weight of 2 kg and a power consumption of 12.5 Watts 
including a 1 Gbit mass memory. 
3.3.2 Detector: Pixel size influence - For mapping purposes 
the pixel size of the detector is projected via the focal length to 
the ground pixel size to be obtained, the smaller the detector 
elements x the shorter the focal length f (see figure 9). As an 
example, the stat-of-the-art CCD pixel size of 7um results in a 
focal length of f = 4.2 m. Of course with smaller detector sizes 
less energy is integrated. If the sensitivity of the pixel element is 
not sufficient to obtain the necessary SNR, TDI needs to be 
applied or a so called slow-down mode allows to enlarge the 
dwell time to the sufficient extent (should not be used in stereo 
Impact of staggered configurations - Volumes and mass of an 
optics depends significantly on the focal length and the 
aperture, but also on the image field size determined by the 

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