Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
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pixel related spatial frequency 
Figure 1. Sampling and Nyquist frequency for linear and 
staggerd CCD-line 
1.3 Restoration 
The staggered array approach improves the SNR due to a four 
times lager pixel size but deteriorates the point spread 
function. Therefore image restoration is necessary to realize the 
interior resolution of the images. Digital image restoration is a 
field of engineering that studies methods used to recover an 
original scene from degraded observation. The solution is 
based on estimation theory and the solution of ill-posed inverse 
problems. Techniques used for image restoration are oriented 
toward modelling the degradation, usually blur and noise, and 
applying an inverse procedure to obtain an approximation of 
the original scene. 
1.4 Sampling and Resampling 
Line scan data are influenced by flight movement. The result is 
a variable stochastically disturbed sampling pattern on ground. 
An additional randomly distributed change of sampling pattern 
is due to topographic changes. To combine image data of both 
staggered lines, a resampling and interpolation algorithm is 
required. Image and sensor quality can be measured by the 
evaluation of test structures in the image. 
The organization of the paper is as follows. We start with an 
overview about the ADS40 camera, image resolution and 
improvement techniques and the resolution potential of 
staggered lines. The third chapter describes the experiment, 
data evaluation and results. 
2.1 The Camera System ADS40 
The ADS40 is based on the tree-line principle. CCD line 
sensors provide a high ground resolution combined with a large 
swath width. 
The ADS40 has seven parallel sensor lines - three 
panchromatic lines (forward, nadir, backward), three colour 
lines (red, green blue) and one near infrared - in the focal 
plane of a single lens system. The three panchromatic sensor 
lines produce the forward, nadir and backward views along the 
strip. This yields the stereo angles shown in table 1. Each 
panchromatic line consists of two linear arrays, each with 
12000 pixels, but staggered by 0.5 pixels as shown in figure 1. 
The colour lines (red, green, blue), each 12000 pixels long. are 
optically superimposed by a dichroitic beam splitter. The great 
advantage of this approach is that the colour image is band 
registered without significant postprocessing. The near infrared 
sensor lines are 12000 pixels long and slightly offset from the 
RGB triplet. The precise position of each pixel is known after 
the calibration process. 
Because of the linear sensor structure, the second dimension of 
the image is generated by the aircraft movement and is 
influenced by attitude disturbances. To correct this effect, exact 
attitude and position measurements are necessary for each 
image scan line being realised by an Inertial Measurement Unit 
(IMU) mounted directly to the camera body. 
During the flight, imagery, GPS position data, IMU data and 
other house-keeping data are written to a removable disk pack. 
In order to assure the desired high number of detector elements 
per line, staggered arrays are used. These detectors consist of 
two single [2k CCD lines positioned with a across-track shift 
of half a pixel to each other. 
Table 1 shows the most important parameters of the camera. 
Focal length 62.7 mm 
Pixel size 6.5 um 
Panchromatic line 2 x 12.000 pixels 
Colour lines 12.000 pixels 
Field of View (across track) 64° 
Sterco angles 16°, 26°, 42° 
Dynamic range 12 bit 
Radiometric resolution 8 bit 
Ground sampling distance (3000 m 16 cm 
Swath width (3000 m altitude) 3.75 km 
Read out frequency per CCD line 200 — 800 Hz 
In flight storage capacity 600 GByte 
Table 1. Parameters of the ADS40 camera 
2.2 Image Degradation 
Images are degraded by both blur and additive noise. The blur 
can be described in terms of the Point Spread Function (PSF) 
and is caused e.g. by the atmosphere, motion of the object or 
the system, defocusing of the optics, finite size of the aperture, 
the detector and so on. The measured signal in a linear model 
is the convolution of the object radiance with the system PSF. 
Additional noise will be superposed by the detector and 
The sampled signal values l'(xi,yj) (Xi = LA, yj 5j A, 1j = 0, =1, 
X2.) can be obtained by a convolution of I(x,y) with the 
geometrical pixel PSF 
I'(x., ) = [ju (x, may, -y / (x. ya dt Ex) 
H(x,y) is the space invariant point spread function, I(x.y) the 
scene on detector pixel position x-iA;, y=jA,, and & the noise 
of the imaging system. With abbreviation f;;-f(1^1,jA») follows 

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