Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
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A double point source &(xo), 6(Xota), a is the distance between 
both point sources, generates an spatially dependent intensity 
distribution in front of the focal plane H(x — xo) + H(X — xo - a). 
H(x) is the system PSF without the pixel PSF. The signal in 
the sampling point i-A is obtained by integrating the optical 
signal over the pixel area 
HiA)= [ri ei^ x.) He IA x, a) pis 
Assuming a Gaussian-PSF with a “width” (standard deviation) 
GO, the integration can be performed using GauB’s probability- 
integral. The result (see Jahn, 2000) is a pixel dependent 
intensity distribution 
Abel Ze 
a7 3; ) 
+ di + KG Ma faded d xy ta ) 
Ac lo gii Niele 8 M 
The measured values I(14) depend for a given pixel distance 
Alo and a pixel size à/0 (related to the PSF width ©) also on 
the point position (phase) xo/o and on the distance a/c between 
the light spots. That means that the accuracy definition or the 
contrast depends on the displacement of the point source 
relative to the pixel. 
We introduce as a measure for the resolution the a Minimum 
Resolvable Distance (MRD). In the context of a Rayleigh- 
criterion based resolution concept, the MRD is the minimum 
distance of two radiating points to be resolved. 
4 T I 7 r T T T I T T r 
r 4] 
E reg 
r mei | 
5 Diffraction Lirnited Optic pco d 4 
3 we : T AT - 
— oe = Used Optic a 
E whe! , 
wr kt ] 
I E E = 2 
Le ; Ae MX 
e F Linear Array ——> 2i 7 
= tT ; 
= je permet : Z7 € = Ar = 
2 vp 7&8-7- Staggered Array = 
= = T 
E 7 m di J 
| C Resolution (Linear Ar ray/Staggered Array) 4 
v : ! UE e eco 
0 2 T 4 5 a 
Figure 3. Double point resolution in relation to the optical PSF 
Figure 3 shows the resolution in case of double point resolution 
(distance between the two spots with respect to the pixel size) 
as a function of the PSF parameter 6 (the used optics has a f- 
number = 4). For the diffraction limited optics the equivalent 6 
is 1um (see Jahn, Reulke, 1998) and for the real ADS40 optics 
we have o « 2.5um. 
In case of negligible PSF, the limit for the double point 
accuracy is valid. With increasing PSF-width c especially for 
the staggered arrays, the MRD also increases, while the 
resolution for single arrays keeps constant. We find the 
minimal MRD for staggered arrays in case of diffraction 
limited optics. Increasing o further the MRD becomes worse. 
Typical values for resolution are in the range of MRD « 3*6 or 
for the ADS40 camera MRD = 1.5 pixel. 
The resolution can be improved by image restoration. 
Figure 4. Resolution improvement of restored images 
The left image of figure 4 shows an example used for 
resolution derivation from figure 3. With a 0z0.5 pixel the 
minimal resolution in the sense of the Rayleigh criteria is 
about 1.7 pixel. After applying the restoration algorithm the 
resolution can be improved by about 3096, which is equivalent 
to an improvement of the system-PSF. 
The following chapter describes the data reception and 
3.1 Processing scheme of ADS40 data 
After archiving images, position data and other house-keeping 
data, the GPS/IMU data is processed with the GPS base station 
data. This results in position and orientation files which are 
used to create Level 1 rectified images, which are stereo 
viewable, ready for processing in many classical remote 
sensing systems and are used to perform triangulation, 
compilation, DTM production, etc. Further image analysis 
products and level 2 rectified greyscale, colour and 
multispectral orthophotos can also be created. 
After the GPS/IMU data has been processed, the position and 
attitude files and a simplified interior orientation of the camera 
arc used to rectify the images to a ground plane at a user- 
specified elevation. This allows the correction of the aircraft 
motion and results in stereo viewable images (Level | rectified 
images). Each rectified image is broken up into large blocks of 
a user-specified size and can be written in standard formats 
such as 8-bit TIFF, 16-bit TIFF and tiled TIFF. Furthermore, it 
is ready for human stereo viewing and point measurement 
using image matching techniques and other automated 
Acrial triangulation is used to combine the short-term accuracy 
of the IMU with the high global accuracy of GPS. In 
combination with a minimum number of ground control points, 
aerial triangulation delivers best fitting results on the ground. 
The extra information added to the system by tie point 
measurement leads to very reliable orientation results. 
3.2 Data base 
For data evaluation we concentrate on a flight over the 
Rheintal area, which covers a flat region without breaks. This 
test site is located close to the Leica facilities in 
Heerbrugg/Switzerland and is typically used for the in-flight 
calibration of the ADS40 sensor system including camera 
interior orientation parameters and the spatial relation to 
GPS/IMU components. The typical calibration flight geometry 
is similar to the flight pattern of this test, where several 
crossing strips were collected in different height levels to 
investigate resolution potential of this data (see figure 5) and to 
achieve a rigid block geometry for calibration tasks. The 

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