Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B1. Istanbul 2004 
field of the sensor view. The imaging geometry is converted 
from the original perspective imagery into an affine projection. 
Later the method was applied to SPOT stereo scenes of level | 
and 2 (Okamoto et al., 1998). The theories and procedures of 
affine-based orientation for satellite line-scanner imagery have 
been integrated and used for the orientation of SPOT, MOMS- 
2/P (Hattori et al., 2000) and IKONOS (Fraser et al., 2001) 
scenes. Under this approach an initial transformation of the 
image from a perspective to an affine projection is first 
performed, then a linear transformation from image to object 
space follows, according to the particular affine model adopted. 
The assumption is that the satellite travels in a straight path at 
uniform velocity within the model space. The model utilises the 
Gauss-Krueger projection plane and ellipsoidal heights as a 
reference system, therefore height errors due to Earth curvature 
must be compensated. The results demonstrated that 2D and 3D 
geopositioning to sub-pixel accuracy can be achieved (Fraser et 
al., 2001). 
(Gupta et al, 1997) proposed a simple non-iterative model 
based on the concept of fundamental matrix for the description 
of the relative orientation between two stereo scenes. The model 
was applied on SPOT across-track stereo scenes. The unknown 
parameters for each pair are: the sensor position and attitude of 
one scene at time 0, the velocity of the camera, the focal length 
and the parallax in across-track direction. 
The Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) approach has also 
been investigated. The solution is based only on ground control 
points and does not require parameters of the interior 
orientation and ephemeris information. The DLT approach was 
suggested for the geometric modelling of SPOT imagery (El 
Manadili et al., 1996) and applied to IRS-1C images (Savopol 
et al, 1998). In (Wang, 1999) it was improved by adding 
corrections for self calibration. 
In general, the approaches based on 2D and 3D empirical 
models, as those presented, are advantageous if the rigorous 
sensor model or the parameters of the acquisition system are not 
In case of pushbroom sensors carried on airplane or helicopter 
GPS and INS observations are indispensable, because the 
airborne trajectories are not predictable. Anyway, the original 
position and attitude measurements are not enough accurate for 
high-precision positioning and require a correcion. 
The IGP at ETH Zurich (Gruen et al., 2002a) investigated three 
different approaches for the external orientation modelling of 
the Three-Line Scanner (TLS) developed by  Starlabo 
Corporation: the Direct Georeferencing, in which the translation 
displacement vector between the GPS and camera systems is 
estimated for the correction of GPS observations, the Lagrange 
Polynomials, as used in (Ebner et al., 1992) for spaceborne 
sensors and the Piecewise Polynomials, where the sensor 
attitude and position functions are divided in sections and 
modelled with 1* and 2" order respectively, with constraints on 
their continuity. The sensor self-calibration has also been 
integrated in the processing chain. Further investigations on the 
models performances are in progress. 
In the LH-Systems photogrammetric software for the ADS40 
processing, a triangulation is applied for the compensation of 
systematic effects in the GPS/IMU observations (Tempelmann 
et al., 2000). These effects include the misalignment between 
IMU and the camera axes and the datum differences between 
GPS/IMU and the ground coordinates system. For the 
orientation of each sensor line the concept of orientation fixes is 
used. The external orientation values between two orientation 
fixes are determined by interpolation using the IMU/GPS 
From the analysis of the above literature we can see that 
nowadays both approaches based on rigorous and non rigorous 
models are widely used. In case of rigorous models the main 
research interests are the sensor external and internal orientation 
modelling. The external orientation parameters are often 
estimated for suitable so-called iorientation linesi and 
interpolated for any other lines. A self- calibration process is 
recommended, as least to model focal length variation and first 
order lens distortions. In order to avoid over-parameterisation 
the correlation between the parameters must be investigated and 
tests on the parametersí significance and determinability are 
required. Moreover it is recommended to take advantage of 
additional information for the external orientation estimation 
(orbital elements and ephemeris for spaceborne sensors, GPS 
and INS measurements for spaceborne and airborne sensors). 
Few models can be applied for both airborne and spaceborne 
The orientation methods based on rational polynomials 
functions, affine projections and DLT transformations are 
mostly used for high-resolution satellite imagery. They can be a 
possible alternative to rigorous model when the calibration data 
(calibrated focal length, principal point coordinates, lens 
distortions) are not released by the images providers or when 
the sensor position and attitude are not available with sufficient 
precision (Vozikis et al., 2003). 
A rigorous sensor model for the georeferencing of a wide class 
of linear CCD array sensors has been developed at IGP and 
already applied to different linear scanners carried on satellite 
and aircraft (Poli, 2003). The photogrammetric collinearity 
equations describe the perspective geometry in each image line. 
The sensor position and attitude are modelled with piecewise 
2" order polynomial functions depending on time. The platform 
trajectory is divided into segments according to the number and 
distribution of available Ground Control Points (GCPs) and Tie 
Points (TPs) and for each segment the sensor position and 
attitude are modelled by 2™ order polynomials. At the points of 
conjunction between adjacent segments constraints on the zero, 
first and second order continuity are imposed on the trajectory 
functions. Additional pseudo-observations can tix some or all 
parameters to suitable values. For example, if the 2" order 
parameters are fixed to zero, the polynomial degree is reduced 
to 1 (linear functions). This option allows the modelling of the 
sensor position and attitude in each segment with 2" or 1% 
order polynomials, according to the characteristics of the 
trajectory of the current case study. In case of sensors carried on 
aircraft, additional GPS and INS observations can be included 
in the model (Poli, 2002). 
The sensor model includes also a self-calibration, which is 
required for the correction of the systematic errors due to 
principal point displacement (d,, d,), focal length variation (d..), 
radial symmetric (k,, Æ) and decentering lens distortion (p;, p>), 
scale variation in CCD line direction (s,) and the CCD line 
rotation in the focal plane (0). The model can be applied to 
single lens sensors with synchronoous (i.e. TLS, ADS40, 
WAOSS) and asynchronous (EROS-A1) along-track stereo 
capability and to multi-lens sensors (i.e. SPOT-5/HRS, ASTER, 
MOMS-02, MISR). 
The functions modelling the external and the internal 
orientation are integrated into the collinearity equations, 
resulting in an indirect georeferencing model. Due to their non- 
linearity, the complete equations are linearized according to the 
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