Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004 
Equation | can be interpreted in several ways. It can be viewed, 
for instance, as a 3D affine transformation followed by an 
orthogonal projection, as a 3D similarity transformation 
followed by a skew parallel projection, or as a skew parallel 
projection followed by a similarity transformation. In the 
application. of the affine projection model, it is useful to 
consider its connection to the central-perspective model, i.e. a 
departure from collinearity equation. In fact, the introduction 
of the common scale factor is the key to converting the non- 
linear collinearity equation to a form of simple linear 
transformation. The affine model is a further generalised form, 
which allows affinity (non-uniform scaling and skew distortion) 
in the image to object space transformation. 
In 3D scene reconstruction, a model formed by a stereo pair of 
affine images can be created from four corresponding 
(conjugate) points, and can be related to the object space by a 
3D affine transformation (twelve degrees of freedom). On the 
other hand, for the special case of central perspective projection 
where the internal geometry is known, five points are required 
to form a model which is then transformed to object space by a 
similarity transformation (seven degrees of freedom). The 
distinction between these two approaches lies in the inclusion or 
omission of affinity and different scale factors in each axis of 
the model space. To form a model of correct shape from affine 
images, constraints describing orthogonality and uniform 
scaling have to be imposed among the affine parameters. Also, 
a third image has to be added to the network to resolve 
ambiguity arising from the adoption of a common scale factor 
(Ono & Hattori, 2003). 
For satellite line scanner imagery, however, these constraints 
can be neglected because of the geometry of pushbroom 
scanners. With narrow field of view imaging systems, 
uncertainties and perturbations of the sensor and other 
parameters of affine distortion rarely assume significance. This 
also allows constraint-free application of the affine model to 
processed imagery (eg rectified) as well as raw scanner imagery. 
In the previous section, the affine model was presented as a 2D 
camera model. However, the geometry of a line scanner is 
based on a central-perspective projection. More precisely, it is 
comprised of a one-dimensional central-perspective projection 
in the scanning direction and an approximately parallel 
projection in the satellite track direction. Therefore, in the 
application of the affine model to line scanner imagery, we 
have to be aware that two main conditions need to be preserved. 
Those relate to the parallelism of the imaging planes, and to an 
accounting for projective discrepancies between central- 
perspective and affine projection. The following subsections 
briefly address these issues. 
3.1 Satellite trajectory and object coordinate system 
The satellite's trajectory is based on Keplar's motion and is 
non-linear in a Cartesian frame. This indicates that the 
direction of the pointing angle of the sensor with respect to the 
directions of the Z-axis (or the height direction) of the object 
coordinate system is time variant. In other words, the imaging 
planes are not parallel to each other. Furthermore, in a 
Cartesian system the distance to the curved ground surface is 
not constant, which in turn implies that the scale factor involved 
in Equation | cannot be constant for the entire scene. Therefore, 
the affine model could experience accuracy degradation when 
employed in a Cartesian frame. The use of additional 
parameters or the subdividing of an image strip into several 
sections, with the discrepancy level below a given tolerance. 
can offer solutions to this problem (Hattori et al., 2003). 
As it happens, the parallelism of image planes is better 
preserved in a map projection system (map grid coordinates and 
ellipsoidal height). This is because the conformal map 
projection can be viewed as a cylindrical projection. A 
conformal map grid system such as UTM is a flat plane which 
is obtained by unfolding a cylinder wrapped around the 
ellipsoid at the central meridian. Considering that an orbital 
ellipse for the imaging satellite has a focus at the centre of mass 
of the earth, and has a small eccentricity, the view direction of 
the sensor with respect to the normal to the Earth’s ellipsoid 
does not change drastically. Hence, the constructed image 
planes retain near-parallelism in a map projection reference 
There are other important concerns relating to the orbital 
trajectory. Among these are the effects of perturbed motion of 
the sensor during image acquisition. For instance, if the roll 
angle © changes continuously, a skew distortion will appear on 
the image. This type of skew distortion is also caused by earth 
rotation. Although the combined effects of all possible orbital 
perturbations can be complex, the affine model has shown itself 
capable of absorbing the perturbations of a fixed (non-agile) 
sensor to a considerable extent. On the other hand, if the sensor 
is steerable (agile), care has to be taken with the application of 
the affine model, which basically has the form of a simple 
linear transformation. This issue will be further discussed in 
Section 3.3. 
It also follows that utilization of a geographic coordinate 
system with the affine model is not desirable because of its non- 
linear nature. From the standpoint that the affine model can be 
regarded as a special case of the third-order rational function 
model, it may well require higher-order terms when employed 
in a geographic coordinate system. For a nominal scene of 
HRSI, the author’s experience suggests that accuracy 
degradation will be anticipated in both a geographic reference 
system (latitude, longitude, height) or in a local tangential 
system (X,Y,Z) (Hanley et al., 2002). 
3.2 Projective discrepancies 
For affine theory to be rigorously applicable to the orientation 
of line scanner imagery, it is mandatory that the projection 
discrepancy between a central-perspective and an affine 
projection be compensated (Okamoto et al, 1992). The 
relationship between a central perspective and an affine 
coordinate is illustrated for the scan line direction in Figure 1, 
where the projective relationship between a ground point and a 
line scanner image is shown at unit scale. The ground point P is 
projected onto the image point p by a central perspective 
projection and the image point p, by an affine projection. 
The central perspective image coordinate y can be converted to 
the affine image coordinate y, by the following (Okamoto et al., 
1992; Hattori et al., 2000; Fraser & Yamakawa, 2004): 
1 (2) 
y-tan w 

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