International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part Bl. Istanbul 2004
y = | 1 = AZ ule p 0 (3)
ad COS (0
where y = central-perspective coordinate
Ya Ya = affine coordinate without/with height correction
f= focal length
0 — roll angle of the sensor
AZ = height from the average height of terrain
| Reference plane
ya: 7 o {
Figure 1. Conversion from central-perspective to affine imagery
Equations 2 and 3 are required for the central-perspective to
affine image conversion. It can be seen that the correction
becomes more important when either the roll angle or field of
view of the sensor are large (Equation 2) or the terrain is
mountainous (Equation 3). In other words, for a high-resolution
sensor with a near-nadir view direction over low relief terrain,
the perspective-to-affine image correction becomes negligible
and conversion is not warranted. Of importance in an evaluation
of the impact of the conversion is the invariance of the
coefficients in Equations 2 and 3 (Fraser & Yamakawa, 2004).
If the image is georectified to a reference plane, which is the
case for IKONOS Geo and QuickBird Standard imagery, the
georectified point Paco” is observed instead of p. Note that there
is a linear relationship between the y-coordinate (sample
coordinate) of Bo and P (Ya 5 YgeoCOS@). This means that the
correction of Equation 2 is implicit in the generation of
georectified imagery. An image conversion for georectified
imagery is therefore not required for moderately flat terrain.
This is consistent with findings of practical applications
employing IKONOS imagery (Fraser et al., 2002). However,
for mountainous terrain, the image conversion may well have
an impact upon geopositioning accuracy, as will be shown later.
A 'rigorous' theory for satellite sensor orientation based on
affine projection has also been proposed by Zhang & Zhang
(2002). As it happens, the conversion coefficient in their model
is of the same form as that in Equations 2 and 3 (Fraser &
Yamakawa, 2004).
3.3 Sensor dynamics
Agile HRSI satellites can dynamically rotate and swing so that
the sensor is tilted to 20-40 degrees off nadir. This has
advantages of shortening the revisit period and offering flexible
imaging configurations, including along-track stereo recording.
The ability to view obliquely is quite common for earth
observation satellites and is, needless to say, required for
across-track stereo coverage. A concern arising here in the
context of the affine model is the possible introduction of non-
linear perturbations as a result of dynamically re-orienting the
satellite during image recording. IKONOS offers two imaging
modes: *Forward mode' and ‘Reverse mode’. In the Forward
mode, the sensor pointing direction is moving backwards,
opposite to the satellite motion and changing at around one
degree per second. In *Reverse mode' the sensor is close to
steady, maintaining a near constant view direction.
In terms of geometrical characteristics, dynamic variation in
pitch angle requires special attention because it could cause
non-uniform resampling. Although imagery products are
georectified by utilising a very rigorous sensor geometry model,
high frequency accelerations or perturbations of the sensor
might not always be perfectly recovered and completely
corrected for in the imagery. This concern is more pronounced
with QuickBird, simply because of its continuous re-orientation
during image capture.
The standard formulation of the affine model treats the
orientation parameters as time-invariant. However, as an
approach to accounting for the presence of non-linear image
perturbations, time-variant coefficients can be considered:
x=A OX +A, +A4,(DZ + A, (t) (4)
y 7 A,QU)YX AGQ)Y 9 A, (0Z 7 A, (0)
where 4(1)=a; +a;t=a; +b;x (5)
For geometrical interpretation, Equation 4 can be rearranged to:
(X ray +a, 2 + a, ~x)+x(b'X +b°Y +b Z+h')=0 (6)
(aX Fay ka 7 tay -y)tx(b X +h Y+b Z+bh)=0
where IT, = ay X + ag Y+ ag z+ a,’ = 0 relates to the image
plane in line direction at x = 0
Il) = aj X^ af Y ag Z* dap y = O relates to the image
plane(s) in sample direction at x ^ 0
As illustrated in Figure 2, in the line (across-track) direction the
imaging plane IH (ag! X ay Y ag Z4 dg X0), which is
parallel to IT;, rotates around an axis defined as an intersection
of planes IT,’ and IT, (P) X b) Y by Z* bj!—0), as time goes
on. Similarly, in the sample direction the imaging plane IT,
rotates around an axis defined as an intersection of planes IT,
and IL (bj X bj Y b,/Z+ b,5=0).
Figure 2. Geometrical interpretation of time-variant affine
The affine model with time-variant parameters requires eight
GCPs instead of the usual four. The significant rise in the
number of unknown parameters is not too desirable in terms of
the numerical stability of the computation. Equation 4, therefore,