Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 1)

ıl 2004 
Direct sensor orientation based on GPS network solutions 
Helge Wegmann®, Christian Heipke®, Karsten Jacobsen” 
“Ingenieurbüro Wegmann, 
Leo-Rosenblatt-Weg 6, 30453 Hannover, Germany 
info(@ib-wegmann de 
t . ^ = . . : ; x 
"Institute for Photogrammetry and GeoInformation, University of Hannover, 
Nienburger Str. 1, 30167 Hannover, Germany 
heipke, jacobsen/@ipi.uni-hannover.de 
Commission I, WG V 
KEY WORDS: GPS, IMU, Direct image orientation 
Direct sensor orientation, i.e. the determination of exterior orientation based on GPS and inertial measurements without the need for 
photogrammetric tie points, has gained considerable popularity over the last years. One pre-condition for direct sensor orientation is a 
correct sensor and system calibration. The calibration can only be carried out by a combination of a photogrammetric solution and a 
GPS/inertial solution, which is equivalent to the concept of integrated sensor orientation. 
In the work carried out so far, GPS has been identified as the most critical part in terms of achievable accuracy. Strategies for 
improving differential GPS results are available for terrestrial applications, but have not yet been used in direct and integrated sensor 
orientation. One of these solutions consists in using a network of reference stations rather than a single station only. 
In this paper we present our work on direct sensor orientation using a GPS network. After describing the related mathematical 
models we report the results of an experimental test. The test data were drawn from the OEEPE test “Integrated sensor orientation”. 
The results show, that while for many applications a network may not be necessary in case of short baselines and good GPS data, it 
still improves the accuracy of direct sensor orientation to some degree. More important is the fact, that our approach is able to detect 
gross errors in the reference station data and therefore has the potential to improve also the reliability of the results. 
Î Introduction 
The development of sensors and related processing methods 
for the economic, accurate and reliable collection of 3D geo- 
spatial information has been a topic of intense 
photogrammetric research in recent years. Besides the new 
digital aerial cameras, sensors for directly determining the 
exterior orientation based on GPS and inertial measurement 
units (IMU) have found large interest. The integration of GPS 
and the inertial measurement system has been strongly 
promoted at the University of Calgary for a long time already 
(Schwarz et al. 1984; 1993) and in the meantime a series of 
tests and pilot projects has been conducted demonstrating the 
potential of these methods (e.g. Skaloud 1999, Cramer 1999, 
Heipke et al. 2002b). The current situation is that GPS has 
been identified as the most critical part in terms of achievable 
When using GPS and IMU observations to determine the 
exterior orientation of photogrammetric images, one can 
differentiate between the so called integrated sensor 
orientation, in which all available information including tie 
points is processed simultaneously to achieve highest 
accuracy, and direct sensor orientation, in which the exterior 
orientation is computed based on GPS/IMU observations 
only, and object space coordinates are derived in a separate 
step (Heipke et al, 20022). 
Direct sensor orientation consists of three steps - a sensor 
calibration step to be carried in advance, as well as GPS/IMU 
pre-processing and the determination of the exterior 
orientation for the actual mission. 
During sensor calibration the parameters describing each 
sensor individually and those describing the relationship 
between the different sensors need to be determined. These 
parameters include the interior orientation of the camera, the 
angular differences between the IMU and the image 
coordinate system (boresight misalignment), and additional 
parameters modelling e.g. GPS errors. The system calibration 
parameters, and in particular the boresight misalignment, can 
only be determined by comparing a photogrammetric solution 
based on image coordinates of ground control and tie points 
with the pre-processed GPS/IMU results. 
GPS/IMU pre-processing includes the transformation of the 
raw GPS signal and IMU measurements into trajectories in 
object space for the camera projection centres and roll, pitch 
and yaw values at a high frequency (usually 50 — 200 Hz). 
The common method of integrating GPS and IMU 
observations is via Kalman filtering. It provides the optimum 
estimation of the system based on all past and present 
information (for details see Grewal et al. 2001). 
The determination of the exterior orientation parameters then 
consists in applying the sensor calibration to the pre- 
processed GPS/IMU values. One of the applications of direct 
sensor orientation is 3D point determination via spatial 
forward intersection based on the refined exterior orientation 
In this paper, we deal with direct sensor orientation and 
present as a novel aspect of our work a GPS network solution 
for photogrammetric point determination. In the next section 
we describe our model for sensor calibration based on pre- 
processed GPS/IMU data. We do not deal with GPS/IMU 
pre-processing itself. We then introduce our test data which 
are drawn from the OEEPE test “Integrated Sensor 
Orientation". We derive sensor calibration parameters, and 
compute 3D coordinates of independent check points which 
we compare to the known values, both with single reference 
stations, and using the GPS network. Finally, we comment 
our results and draw some conclusions for future work. 

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